"Yellow Jell-O shots make me sun shiney happy!" Emily joked. Freshman year we had to go to this weird date rape seminar at school. That statement is the only thing I remember from the entire presentation. It's actually kinda funny when you think about it. I quickly downed four of the sweet pineapple shots. Emily followed suit and we both met up with Mariah in the back yard. She was sitting with some other girls just talking and giggling. They had taken off their heels and were dipping their legs in the pool. Other people were full on swimming, but I was not about to get undressed at a frat party. That's just asking for trouble to come my way. "Hey ladies! These are a few of my teammates from the dance team." Riah introduced.

"I'm Tatianna and this is Emily." I said politely. Emily went back inside to get her and I more drinks and she can back out with something fruity looking. It had a little blue straw. I thanked Emily and took a sip. There was a little rum, and maybe some Malibu. I wasn't quite sure but Em was the only person besides myself and Andre that I trusted to make my drinks. I took another sip and just as I swallowed this one boy started shouting at a some girl. I didn't recognize either of them, but he was really laying into her. He was calling her all these names and swearing at her. She slapped him and he fucking lost it. He started choking her and then pushed her into the pool. She was definitely to drunk to swim and she was already short on oxygen. This girl was going to drown and no one was doing a single thing. I always hear the stories about college students dying because parties got out of hand, and I refused to witness. I jumped into the water with my dress on and all. I managed to grab the girl from behind just like they teach you in life guarding. I guess one thing I learned in high school P.E. actually came in handy. I struggled to swim with her but I managed to get her back to Emily, Riah, and the dance team girls. They all helped me get the girl out of the water and then myself out too. I was fucking drenched! The girl was terrified and spluttering water, but she was breathing and that was all that mattered.

"Oh my God Tatianna, are you ok?" Mariah asked eyes wide in shock.

"I'm fine check on her." I ordered.

"What's your name?" Emily asked her.

"I'm Rachel. Thank you for saving me!" "Anytime. Now, why don't we get you a cab?" I suggested.

"You go, Tatianna, I'll make sure she gets home safe. And I'll alert campus police about the assault." Mariah offered. "If you promise you're all gonna be ok?"

"I promise. You and Emily go home and get you cleaned up." She instructed. I just nodded my head. Emily and I went to look up stairs in this frat house for a towel at least. We walked in on three couples having sex but we did finally find the linen closet. It was poorly organized; however, I found a big fluffy towel. I just saved a girl from drowning. I was taking this fucking towel. At this point, I couldn't care less. We took a cab back to my apartment. I told Em to go home. I just wanted to Skype Andre and go to bed. I sat on my bed wearing one of his sweatshirts that I packed with my things.

"Hello angel!" Andre smiled brightly.

"Uh oh, what happened baby girl?"

"I went to a frat party and some douche bag guy attacked this girl named Rachel and he pushed her in the pool and I had to save her from drowning because no one else even seemed to care." I pouted.

"Oh my God! Tatianna, I'm so sorry."

"Nah it's ok baby. I'm fine. Let's just focus on us right now."

"Ok, but right now I really gotta shower. I just got back from playing some ball with Jamion and Dmarious and baby girl let me tell you I smell like a pigs ass!" Andre laughed and I did too. I miss him so much!

"Alright love, go get clean and we'll talk in like twenty minutes or so." I blew him a kiss and ended our call. I absent mindedly walked over to my desk and thumbed over some old pictures of us and I couldn't help but smile. I came across my box of things that remind me of Andre. My girl on a swing necklace stayed in here because it didn't stand for anything I liked to remember. Dre and I both knew that he only bought me the beautiful expensive gift in order to make things easier when I found out he cheated on me. Under the necklace was a pink envelope. I turned it over. it said "Open When...You are horny ;)" I blushed super hard. I completely forgot about all these. I decided to open it. I wasn't horny. Honestly, I was just curious. I opened up the envelope and my eyes went wide. There were pictures of Andre inside! Not just regular pictures! Pictures of him naked and holding his cock! I was shocked, yet so turned on! There was just a very small note inside. It said.

Trust Must be EarnedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz