42) Red Velvet x Licorice (SmutToFluff)

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Requested by: Dreamfox_night

First time doing SmutToFluff, so errrrr.... It's gonna be shitttttt.

Licorice smirked as he got pinned to the bed, Red Velvet already beginning to take of their clothes.

"Oooh~ Right into the sexy part, Big Boy~" Licorice chuckled, spreading his legs as he moved his hair out the way.

"Do you ever shut up?" Red Velvet asked as he was preparing himself to begin giving hickeys.

"No~ Shut me up, Big Boy~" Licorice chuckled as he spread his ass cheeks.

"Tut tut tut. I should've known you were a kinky fuck." Red Velvet sneered as he began biting Licorice's neck, leaving bruises of teeth marks, still no moaning from Licorice, just gripping onto Red Velvet's hair.

Red Velvet felt disappointed and decided to begin licking Licorice's hole. Finally Licorice was moaning, but ever so slightly.

"Fuck! Why are you so hard to please!" Red Velvet groaned.

"I'm not a slutty wolf like Crunchy Chip, am I now?" Licorice glared at Red Velvet who was even more annoyed then before.

Licorice groaned as Red Velvet licked his insides.

Licorice moaned as Red Velvet scratched his thighs, his tongue going up and down, side to side.

Licorice moaned as Red Velvet scratched more, only for him to stop licking and pulling out, leaving a strand of saliva in between him and the rim of Licorice's hole.

Putting his fingers onto Licorice's hole and pushing them in.

Red Velvet growled happily before clearing his throat and looking at Licorice, deciding to focus on fingering instead of licking.

Licorice spread his legs more as he moaned, grabbing onto Red Velvet's hair.

Red Velvet scratched Licorice's hand only for Licorice to moan louder.

"That was loud, wasn't it, Licorice." Red Velvet laughed as he scratched him again, causing another moan. Licorice gripped harder, hoping to get scratched again but instead he only got fingered faster.

Red Velvet rested his head onto Licorice's belly as his fingers hit Licorice's prostate, causing him to grab Red Velvet's hair and yank on it.

Red Velvet bit Licorice's stomach as he groaned. Licorice moaned more as he bucked his forward, cumming over him and Red Velvet.

Red Velvet smirked as he looked at Licorice.

"That was quick." Red Velvet teased as he pulled his wet fingers out, causing a slight groan from Licorice. Red Velvet stopped laying his head on Licorice's stomach and sat up.

Licorice sat up and got onto Red Velvet's lap, grabbing his cock and sitting on it, causing a jolt from Licorice as he immediately rested his head onto Red Velvet's shoulder, drool immediately dripping from his mouth.

"This is the sluttiest shit I have ever seen." Red Velvet teased. A knock came from the door of the room as the door handle attempted to turn.

Red Velvet and Licorice turned towards the door, Licorice getting off Red Velvet's cock.

"Boys, it's been like 30 minutes, doesn't take this long to get your pjs on and go downstairs to watch the movie, poor Poison Mushroom is upset!" Pomegranate scowled as she knocked on the door again.

"Give us more time!" Red Velvet requested.

"CERTAINLY NOT! I KNOW DAMN WELL YOU FUCKERS ARE FUCKING GET DOWNSTAIRS AND GO WATCH THE STUPID MOVIE!" Pomegranate yelled as she body slammed the door, attempting to break it open.

"FINEE!" Red Velvet growled as he got up and got changed, along with Licorice.

"Good!" Pomegranate scowled as she stormed off.

"I wanted to go longer!" Licorice groaned.

"Oh well, guess we will deal with not doing it today." Red Velvet shrugged as he left, being followed by Licorice and Chiffon, poor Chiffon was in the room the entire time, poor thing was crying as it watched them getting it on.

All three of them walked the halls all the way to the living room, Chiffon's little toe beans pitter pattered through the entire Castle.

Licorice sat down next to Poison Mushroom as Red Velvet sat next to him, Chiffon jumping onto both their laps, yawned then began to fall asleep.

"That's gay." Dark Choco laughed only to get slapped by Pomegranate.

"What are we watching?" Red Velvet huffed.

"Well Poison Mushroom chose a erm..." Pomegranate mumbled looking at the case on the floor.

"ROM-COM!" Poison Mushroom squealed.

"YO NOOOO!" Red Velvet looked terrified as fuck.

"Its fine, I watched it before there is no sexy time, I know fucking rare." Dark Choco coldly calmed down Red Velvet, obviously was slapped to not be so happy.

"Well, go put it on, child." Pomegranate sneered as she smacked her itty bitty lips.

"Oki!" Poison Mushroom smiled as they put it on.

"Ughh, kill me." Licorice groaned as he rested his head on Red Velvet's shoulder.

"Welp, deal with it." Red Velvet sighed as he put his arm around Licorice.

"No like... I want you to cum, ya know." Licorice whispered as he sighed.

"Well, Pomegranate caught us to deal with it." Red Velvet sneered, beginning to pet Chiffon.

"I will beg you to kill me!" Licorice pretended to cry.

"Just watch the damn movie, okay?" Red Velvet kissed Licorice's cheek, earning a smile and a giggle.

~(+)~ After the Movie ~(+)~

Licorice was rocking Poison Mushroom, who was asleep. Dark Choco was on his phone, obviously bored, Pomegranate left to go sleep and Red Velvet was petting Chiffon.

"Dark Choco, put Poison Mushroom to bed, please." Licorice asked as he leaned against Red Velvet.

"Fine." Dark Choco grumbled, got up and carried Poison Mushroom.

"No fucking." Was the last thing Dark Choco said that day.

"Eh, if that's what you wanna do I don't wanna do it, I'm too tired." Red Velvet yawned as he hugged Chiffon.

"I am also too tired, just want to cuddle." Licorice smiled as he laid down.

Red Velvet yawned as he laid down on top of Licorice, making sure not to wake up Chiffon.

Licorice put his arms around Red Velvet and kissed him.

"We gonna sleep on the sofa?" Licorice asked.

"Eh, why not. I can't really move because of Chiffon." Red Velvet laughed before closing his eyes.

"Alright." Licorice smiled as he closed his eyes, both drifting into a deep sleep.

One had a wet dream another had a normal dream.


I feel bad for the short smut scene, just lost motivation. Hopefully the Fluff is enough to make up for it.

(1060 words)

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