16) Twizzly Gummy X Mala Sauce (Fluff)

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Requested by XxNightmare_UwUxX

My guys! She finally stopped simping for Dark Enchantress


A loud bang was heard from the Mala Tribe. Mala Sauce looked out of her tent only to see Twizzly Gummy limping, she must've just came back from an adventure. Mala Sauce ran over to help Twizzly Gummy to her tent.

"Mala Sauce! Thank witch you came!" Twizzly Gummy panted.

"Why did you even go out on an adventure?" Mala Sauce asked.

"The TBD is after me!" Twizzly Gummy panted again, purposely ignoring Mala Sauce's question.

"Wait... WHAT?!?" Mala Sauce looked at Twizzly Gummy with confusion and worry.

"Don't worry! Just hide me." Twizzly Gummy ordered.

"Yes yes, then you explain!" Mala Sauce carried Twizzly Gummy to a cave in a nearby Volcano.

Mala Sauce put Twizzly Gummy onto the floor of the Volcano.

"Why are you being chased by the TBD chasing you?" Mala Sauce asked.

"I might've time traveled and mayyyyyybe messed up a tribe." Twizzly Gummy chuckled nervously.

"I- WHAT TRIBE DID YOU MESS UP!?" Mala Sauce yelled.

"Dunno!" Twizzly Gummy chuckled nervously again, the sound of gun shots were heard outside the cave.

"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE, BITCH!" String Gummy yelled, shooting at the two girls.

"LANGUAGE!" Croissant yelled as she slapped at String Gummy.

"Run!" Twizzly Gummy ordered.

"No!" Mala Sauce responded immediately.

"I'm too injured to run!" Twizzly Gummy growled slightly, only for her to be dragged by Mala Sauce further into the cave.

The cave grew darker and darker, Mala Sauce was dragging Twizzly Gummy into an unexplored zoned, the Darkness became unbearable you couldn't see anything, the only sounds were dripping lava, lava rivers and gun shots.

Twizzly Gummy panicked slightly, the bullets were getting closer and closer to them, almost hitting Mala Sauce. The sounds of footsteps grew closer and louder, Mala Sauce pulled Twizzly Gummy aside and covered her mouth. Croissant and String Gummy ran passed, shooting in all directions. Mala Sauce let go off Twizzly Gummy, Twizzly Gummy gasped for air, only for her to hear a slight yelp.

Twizzly Gummy turned her head to Mala Sauce, only to see Mala Sauce hurled over.

"Mala Sauce! Are you okay?!" Twizzly Gummy asked worried.

"Shit! One of them hit me!" Mala Sauce rubbed her ankle, a freshly made Bullet Wound went straight through her ankle, Strawberry Jam bleed quickly from her wound, as Twizzly Gummy panicked.

Twizzly Gummy took of her jacket, ripped it in half, wrapping it around Mala Sauce's ankle. Mala Sauce sat down, her knees against her chest, rocking back and fourth, groaning in pain. Twizzly Gummy caressed Mala Sauce's cheek as she kissed the others.

"I'll handle this!" Twizzly Gummy snarrled slightly.

Twizzly Gummy got up, aiming her Electrojelly Gun towards String Gummy and Croissant.

"What are you going to do?" Mala Sauce asked.

"Just watch!" Twizzly Gummy smirked. Croissant panicked, as she hid behind String Gummy.

"Wimp." String Gummy growled before aiming his gun towards Twizzly Gummy. Mala Sauce panicked as she closed her eyes, she couldn't bare to watch.

"GAME OVER! AHAHAHAHAAH." Twizzly Gummy laughed maniacally, a beam shot from her gun. A loud crash and bang echoed through the cave, Mala Sauce covered her ears as she burried her head into her knees, Croissant and String Gummy dodged, but almost got hit.

Twizzly Gummy's Electrojelly gun ran out of energy, causing her beam to stop. Twizzly Gummy sighed as she chucked it to the side. String Gummy fired his gun right towards Twizzly Gummy's head, only for Mala Sauce to shoot up and swing her mace causing the bullet to hit the wall.

"Shit!" String Gummy growled, a time portal opened as Timekeeper hopped out.

"I fixed it! The tribe has now been fixed." Timekeeper smiled as she dragged Croissant and String Gummy through the time portal.

Mala Sauce turned around only for Twizzly Gummy to hugged her.

"Don't risk yourself for me!" Twizzly Gummy sobbed slightly.

"I know, I just couldn't see you get hurt." Mala Sauce ran her fingers Twizzly Gummy's hair. Twizzly Gummy sobbed into Mala Sauce's shoulder, only for her head to be lifted up by Mala Sauce.

"Huh?!" Twizzly Gummy seemed startled, only for Mala Sauce to kiss her. Twizzly Gummy jolted backwards before closing her eyes to embrace the kiss.

"Never risk yourself for me, Okay?" Twizzly Gummy stopped the kiss with a smile on her face.

"Yes yes, and don't mess with the TBD." Mala Sauce chuckled, before going back to kissing Twizzly Gummy. After a couple of minutes the kiss stopped, Mala Sauce chuckled before dragging Twizzly Gummy back to the Mala Tribe.


And then they had sex and millions of children.

(781 words)

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