51) Red Velvet & Pastry (Fluff)

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Requested by: 1timekeep_fuck

What's this?... Another fluff request? My god. These are the rarest request in the entirety of Earthbread!

Chiffon skipped along the pavement, their leash dragging behind them. Obviously they have ran away from Red Velvet and was on a mission.

Chiffon's tongue was lolling out as their little toe beans made a little tapping sound on the concrete, but then footsteps were heard, quite loud footsteps.

Chiffon stopped before turning around, thinking it was Red Velvet, but no, it was Pastry. Chiffon was.left disappointed.

Chiffon sat down before going on their back, legs in the air, demanding belly rubs and perhaps even in-between the back legs pets.

Pastry sighed before stepping over them, lifting up her skirt before doing so.

Chiffon whined slightly, the disgusting view they had just gotten made them whine, how revolting.

Chiffon rolled over and began going back where he came from, only for Red Velvet to jump over him as he chased Pastry.

Chiffon turned around, beginning to cry as they laid down, looking depressed and miserable, a gray cloud beginning to form above them.

Red Velvet kept running after Pastry, completely ignoring his depressed Cake Hound.

Pastry stopped for a second, catching her breath before a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Go fuck yourself." Pastry snarled before turning around, but it wasn't Red Velvet, the dumb bitch told Almond to go fuck himself.

"Pardon?" Almond groaned.

"Oh! I apologise. I thought you were someone else." Pastry chuckled nervously.

"Oh really? And who are they?" Almond asked, aggression in his tone as he gripped tighter.

"That dude behind you!" Pastry grinned, pointing to Red Velvet, causing Almond to turn around and stare at him.

"Yo, how ya doing?" Red Velvet smiled.

"Did you leave your Cake Hound alone in the middle of the pavement!" Almond snarled, pointing to Chiffon.

Pastry smirked as she ran away, taking a turn and going into an alley way.

"Errr...." Red Velvet turned around, staring at Chiffon, who was more depressed then before.

"Oh erm... no that isn't my Cake Hound." Red Velvet rubbed the back of his neck, watching Almond nod his head before walking away.

Chiffon looked at Red Velvet, sad and depressed, their eyes wet with tears, a slight pain howl before going back to whining.

Red Velvet sighed before going up to Chiffon and picking them up, immediately going back to running after the Pastry bitch.

Red Velvet ran down the same alley way but saw no sign of her, he'd need to go to the other side of the alley way, or also known as the busiest fucking street in the entirety of Earthbread.

Chiffon looked at Red Velvet before looking back at the other side of the alley way, fear in the poor Cake Hound's eyes.

Red Velvet sighed before walking to the busy street, holding onto Chiffon as he began attempting to get to the road.

The further Red Velvet went the busier it was, anyone with claustrophobia would've fucking died by now.

Chiffon growled at any Cake Hound they saw, only for Red Velvet to grab their snoot and keep it shut as he walked.

After 10 minutes of struggling with each crowd, Red Velvet got to the road, and there Pastry was, waiting for the road to be safe to cross.

Red Velvet ran across the road, ignoring any incoming traffic and immediately grabbed Pastry.

"You are a biotch." Red Velvet laughed.

"Your Cake Hound should burn in a fire." Pastry snarled.

"Yo, what did I do to you?" Red Velvet asked, beginning to get slightly annoyed.

"Breathed." Pastry snarled.

"Yo, calm yo titties. I'm sorry for breathing, Pastry Biotch." Red Velvet laughed again.

"Why are you even following me?!" Pastry snarled.

"Because I want to hang out, like ya know. When we were kids." Red Velvet smiled.

"Before you got adopted by that witch and got that stupid arm?" Pastry asked.

"Yeah, before that." Red Velvet smiled.

"Hm... okay fine, we go hang out then, BUT! Dont think I like you, I only tolerate your ass." Pastry groaned before walking away, being followed by Red Velvet and Chiffon.

Pastry guided them out of the busy street and guided them to a park.

Chiffon got put on the floor, Red Velvet holding their leash, now being walked while following Pastry.

"You better give me nothing in return!" Pastry grumbled, beginning to watch the leaves fall from the trees and bushes.

Chiffon stopped in front Pastry, almost causing her to trip.

"Control your Cake Hound!" Pastry snarled, only for her foot to get wet.

"Oh shitttt, they be pissing on you like you're some kind of fire hydrant." Red Velvet laughed.

"Man, fuck this shit." Pastry groaned as she walked away from Chiffon.

Red Velvet pulled Chiffon back towards him before following Pastry, watching her intensely.

Pastry groaned slightly, appearing to be bored.

"Look, I need to go back to my house. It's almost time for me to go pray to the godly dough makers." Pastry mumbled.

"Oh, how quick!" Red Velvet groaned.

"Yeah but because I need to go, I'm just letting you know." Pastry mumbled.

"Okay fine, I'll finish Chiffon's walk." Red Velvet groaned.

Pastry walked up to Chiffon and kissed them goodbye before going to Red Velvet and kissing his cheek.

"See you when I see you next." Pastry smiled.

"Hopefully never..." Pastry muttered to herself as she walked away.

"Ah- Chiffon let's just continue-" Red Velvet mumbled before continuing the walk.


Did I loose motivation at the end?


(925 words)

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