29) Dark Cacao X Dark Enchantress (Fluff)

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Requested by XxNightmare_UwUxX

Nothing to say, except ya welcome.

Hollyberry laughed as she dragged Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla to a inn nearby.

"C'mon boys! A little drink never hurt anyone." Hollyberry snorted as she opened the door to the inn, causing the other two to gulp.

"This is more of a night club..." Pure  Vanilla panicked.

"I would say strip club." Dark Cacao sighed as he pointed to a shirtless cookie.

"Don't point at them it is incredibly rude." Pure Vanilla panicked more.

"Hah! Don't worry about pointing! The Hollyberrian cookies love being pointed at, especially while shirtless." Hollyberry laughed as she walked up to the bar.

"This is most definitely a night club." Pure Vanilla sighed as he followed Hollyberry, soon to be followed by a very annoyed Dark Cacao.

Dark Cacao sat down and just stared at the counter while Hollyberry ordered drinks.

"I'll get the strongest ones!" Hollyberry chuckled as she stared at the two of them.

"No... no... Hollyberry!" Pure Vanilla panicked more.

"This is why I banned alcohol in my fucking Kingdom." Dark Cacao banged his head against the counter.

"Here you go." The bartender smiled as they handed them their drinks.

"Drink, my friends!" Hollyberry smiled as she clinked her glass against theirs and quickly gulped it down. Dark Cacao sighed before drinking his, as Pure Vanilla stared at it.

"Drink my friend, I want to hear you swear for the first time!" Hollyberry smiled as she stared at Pure Vanilla.

"No, I shan't." Pure Vanilla sighed.

Dark Cacao grumbled before grabbing Pure Vanilla's drink and forcing him to drink it.

"Oh shit! Look at them go!" Hollyberry laughed as she watched the sight, only for Dark Cacao to put down the freshly empty cup.

"*hic* F-fu-Fud- FUCK YOU!" Pure Vanilla hicked as his voice became high pitch and childish.

"Fuck you to." Dark Cacao snarled.

"Oh witch." Hollyberry gagged as she rushed to the toilet. Pure Vanilla got up and followed Hollyberry, leaving a drunk Dark Cacao by himself.

Dark Cacao fiddled with his fingers. A cookie in a coat moved up to Dark Cacao as they moved their arm around him.

"Arent you a mighty fine cookie." The cookie snidely smirked as they moved their face towards Dark Cacao's.

"Arent you a sexy cookie." Dark Cacao smirked as he looked at the cookie, lust in his eyes.

"So~ Hotel, now?" The cookie suggested, Dark Cacao nodded before following them

~A couple of months later~

Dark Cacao scurried around his Kingdom, worried and cold. Any time a cookie tried to talk to him he blanked them out.

A large crack came from the wall, causing Dark Cacao to jolt as he turned his head towards the Wall. The crack was large, top to bottom, 1 foot wide 40+ feet tall. Dark Cacao's face was terrified, he refused to let any Cookie near the wall.

Dark Cacao ran outside the Kingdom to check if the crack went through the wall. A portal opened up in front of Dark Cacao before he got to the crack.

"Well well~ Look who it is!" A voice sneered from the portal.

"Who dares threaten me!" Dark Cacao snarled as he pointed his sword to the portal, only for Dark Enchantress to poke her head out.

"What a sexy thing you are." Dark Enchantress chuckled as she walked up to Dark Cacao.

"Oh witch... it's you..." Dark Cacao sneered as he turned away.

"Oh please, They  won't know about our little Affair~" Dark Enchantress snidely smirked as she jumped onto Dark Cacao. 

"What even brings you here...?" Dark Cacao sighed as he pushed Dark Enchantress off.

"Well~" Dark Enchantress smirked.

"What?!" Dark Cacao grumbled.

"I'm pregnant and you possibly might be the father." Dark Enchantress smiled.

"Wha-" Dark Cacao became concerned and terrified.

Dark Enchantress laughed maliciously as she rubbed Dark Cacao's cheek.

"No... that's not right... we never did it, did we?!!" Dark Cacao panicked.

"Oh, we did~ You must of forgotten that sweet enjoyable pleasure~" Dark Enchantress smirked as she kissed Dark Cacao.

"Get away!" Dark Cacao snarrled as he ran as fast as he could.

"Oi! ATLEAST PAY CHILD SUPPORT!!" Dark Enchantress yelled, Dark Cacao stopped dead in his tracks.

"What did you say to me... SKANK?!" Dark Cacao growled as he turned around.

"Pay it." Dark Enchantress snarrled.

"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF IT IS MINE!!" Dark Cacao growled.

"Mmm, it is!" Dark Enchantress snarrled.

"Oh really?! Prove it." Dark Cacao.

"You're the only cookie I have done it with in the past 4 months." Dark Enchantress laughed.

Dark Cacao's face became confused and upset.

"No... It can't be true, you have to be lying..." Dark Cacao sighed.

"We were drunk remember, don't even act as if we weren't." Dark Enchantress sighed as she walked over to Dark Cacao, a tear fell from his eyes as he tried to think what on earthbread that caused him to fuck her, let alone get drunk.

~Flashback to the night~

His face became shocked as he looked at Dark Enchantress, a memory he forgot months ago finally rushed back.

"Y-you are telling the truth-" Dark Cacao's voice quivered as he sniffled slightly.

"Yeah, you did fuck me, and yes you did get me pregnant." Dark Enchantress sighed.

"Deal with it." Dark Enchantress sighed as she rubbed Dark Cacao's cheek.

"Oh... right..." Dark Cacao sighed as he looked away.

"I'll be going back now. I'll come back when the nasty thing is born." Dark Enchantress smiled.

"Get an abortion." Dark Cacao sighed.

"Can't, it's too late. I apologise." Dark Enchantress smiled more as she reopened the portal, going back to Beast Yeast.


Dark Cacao is now a father of 2 kids

(954 words, I apologise if it was shit.)

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