17) Clotted Cream X Financier (Fluff)

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Requested by ImEmoBtw

I ain't emo! You are!


It was a hot day in the Crème Republic, very hot in fact that all Cookies were advised to stay inside. However, it didn't stop Financier training.

She always didn't listen to the weather and did what needed, her plans would never change, but this time they did, a very big change to.

She received a letter from Clotted Cream to meet her at Oyster's Fountain. Reason? Unknown. Time? Also unknown. Financier was confused.

"Why on earthbread would he require me to meet him outside on a hot day!" Financier mumbled to herself, just before Madeleine came running over.

"Financier! How is my darling little paladin doing?" Madeleine asked, arms wide open.

"Ser Madeleine, I do not have time for your fable insults, nor your useless hugs." Financier sighed.

"Why is that?" Madeleine asked, only for Financier to leave, unanswering his question.

Financier walked to Clotted Cream's room, knocking on the door.

"No answer, as usual." Financier sighed, she knocked harder on the door.

"Perhaps he didn't hear me." Financier sighed once more, before punching the door, giving no answer once more, the door was locked. Financier sighed before walking backwards, lunging herself at the door, the door broke of its hinges.

"Oh... I messed up..." Financier looked shocked as she got off the floor, embarrassed that she broke the door, how would she explain? Let alone pay for the damage?

"Clotted Cream!" Financier shouted, acting as if she didn't break a door. No response, Financier grew worried.

She scurried around the room, searching for Clotted Cream. Every time she shouted his name, their was no response. Every where she looked, there was no sign of him.

Custard stomped into the room, only see Financier under Clotted Cream's bed.

"FINANCIER!" Custard yelled, causing Financier bang her head against the bed.

"Yes! What is it!" Financier asked.

"WHY IS THE DOOR BROKEN, AND WHERE IS MY SON?" Custard yelled, Financier crawled out from the bed and looked at him.

"The door is broken? I didn't know! Let alone I have no clue where your son is!" Financier got up, looking at him with her usual dull face.

"Oh for fuck sake! YOU'RE HIS BODY GUARD, BUT YOU CANT FIND HIM?" Custard snarrled before stomping out.

"Hm..." Financier sighed, until her phone went off. She looked at her phone, '1PM Orphanage' was the alarm. She needed to go to the orphanage for an hour.

Financier jogged to the orphanage. When she arrived she was sweating like mad. The temperature was hotter then usual.

"Financier! Why are you here?" The Cookie asked.

"It's 1PM I've come to help." Financier smiled.

"Ahh... We don't need you for this week. I apologise." The Cookie chuckled, before pointing to the door.

"You may leave." The Cookie smiled, Financier sighed, as she left.

"Why is everyone finding me useless..." Financier sighed as she kicked a pebble into the fountain. Oyster's Fountain.

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