Enmu | Lower 1 & 2's Daily Job

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No One's POV:

A Train Conductor was walking down inside, He was Checking to see if anything is okay until he reached another door that leads to another cart but he stopped walking.

The blurry window had a dark figure, showing that someone is inside the other cart.

The man growed fear, He was the only one who was sent to check the Train.

Rumours has been spreading about a murderer lurked around near and in the Train station.

Dead Bodies we're being found either outside and inside the Train.

There's a report on 2 weeks ago that the train that was sent to a another destination, there was a mass murder on the Train when some officers went to discover why hasn't the Train arrived.

The Man stepped back, his heart beating fast as he started to breathe heavily.

"Hm?" A gentle hum that was barely heard from the other cart as the figure came closer and opened the door.

The Man gave a silent gasp, almost giving a shriek when he saw a Woman, who looked very human-like that he always see.

Yet, He couldn't fully see her eyes but that didn't seem to matter.

"W-who are y..you, Miss? This Train is Closed F...For Bussiness Reasons." The Train Conductor stutter a little nervous, his voice was shaking as he tried to calm himself.

"Oh?" The Woman said as she held her hand up to cover her smiling lips. As her hand reached up to her lips she began to giggle/chuckle that soon turn into fit laughter.

Upping her head up as continued to laugh which didn't really sound creepy or anything.

The Man watched in both surprised and fright. Looking at her as she was crazy, he gulped as he tried to speak.

"Umm...Ma'am..?" The Man spoke, feeling a little bit scared.

Later on, The Woman's Laugh continues until it died down while still sounding harmless.

"Hahah..oh!" The Woman said wiping her little 'Tear' on her eye with her index finger as she lowered her head forward. She kept her eyes closed.

Little Milliseconds past by, The Man felt even more scared, and anxious as he began to feel panic. A dark creepy aura crept around the room, it felt like his soul was binging stolen by a Repear.

"Run." The Woman said in a Venom Voice as she stared deeply on the Man's Eyes with her Glowing and Menacing E/c eyes with a Kanji of Lower rank, her smile earlier left quicker than The Man's eyes could see drop down. While in the time, The Woman's Appearances slowly but quickly changed into.. A Rumoured Demon form.

That throwed a impact or pang on the Man screamed in terror as his own body urges himself to turn around and start running, carrying himself as fast as he can.

The Woman or Should I say, Y/n watched still glaring The Man even if it's the Man's back facing her.

Y/n counted the seconds until..

The Man was running for his dear life, thinking that he might survive or live but none of those are possible in this situation as no one thought.

In a secomd his view was showed a pale skin hand with a Eyeball and mouth and little scribbled kanjis around.

"Sleep." The Mouth Spoke as soon as the sound of the voice was heard and hit on the Man's ears he felt drowsy and sleepy as his eyes started to slowly closed not even forcing himself to keep awake.

A Demon. Enmu, Lower Rank 1 watched as if the time has slowed.. the Train Conductor slolwy fall..

The Demon, Enmu Watched with a look of a amused face as he smiled.

Y/n, his partner in crime and murder sended a blast of a slice towards the falling unconscious man causing a terrorizing scene of a blood splattering, The Man's body splitting in half as his bones and organs leaked out with blood spilling down around almost immediately.

Enmu smiled creepily, liking the view and the moment. Not even disturbed to the human's blood splattering on him. This was his most favourite moments.

A sound of Footsteps gave a little echo making it sound loud as Y/n walked towards Enmu and the dead splitted body.

"Fufufu~" Enmu laughed having his finger on hi chin, looking down to the Man's bloody death while keeping the smile.

"Why are you so amazed almost everytime I kill someone?" Y/n asked to the Lower rank 1.

Enmu closed his blue eyes before facing his head towards where Y/n was as he opened them to see the face of a wonder.

"That's a secret." He said holding his index finger over his lips. Still having that smile.

Y/n watched with no reaction after hearing the answer, she knew that there's no way he'll say it if she asked.
She sighed and turned around facing her back to Enmu.

"Let's go before the sun rises." She muttered walking away, Enmu only hummed in a tuning and playful way as he followed like a happy kid.


I heard this train obsession mf is both masochist and sadist 0.0

Anyways what do y'all think of this one?

Word count: 883

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