Maya notices her action and suggests that they go to bed since they have a fairly early flight the next day. Carina just wordlessly nods as they go their separate ways to brush their teeth and get dressed, coming back to the bedroom to lay in bed.

Maya lays down on her back, setting her alarm on her phone to six in the morning, and opening her arms when Carina joins her in bed, resting her head on her wife's chest.

They close their eyes and hope that tomorrow will be a start to the first good couple of days in weeks.


She's the first one awake out of the two, waking up before the alarm even goes off. It's just past five and Maya decides to start getting ready for the day, wanting to make sure she has time to look over their luggage to double check that they have everything they need.

But the first thing she does before getting out of bed, is turn to her side, placing a soft and gentle kiss on Carina's forehead.

Maya's small smile grows bigger when she sees her wife grin, even within her deep sleep. It melts her heart.

It makes her even more excited for their little getaway.

Growing up, Maya flew all over the country, but she hated it. These excursions were never for anything special. She didn't go to the beach, she didn't go on fancy tours, she didn't go to history museums.

She sometimes got to use the hotel pool, but even that wasn't fun. It was mostly used for all different types of exercises that her father used to make her do. She didn't play Marco Polo with her brother. Half the time he didn't even go with her.

Only her and Lane.

So no, trips were never viewed as this fun and exciting adventure. It was just something that she had to do in order to advance further into her track career.

She's only been on a few vacations with Carina, but all of them have been far better than the trips she went on with her father. Even counting the one where she had a panic attack because even that one she had a good time for majority of the getaway.

Pulling the sheets off her body and climbing out of bed, the cool air instantly sends a chill down her spine. Maya immediately goes to the window to look outside. And that's when she sees it.

Snow. How is there already snow? Not even eight hours ago there wasn't a single snowflake in sight and now Maya can't even see the green grass.

There is maybe five inches on the ground so it isn't too much, but Maya is growing tired of all the cold weather and blizzards. It's been a crazy winter and she just wishes that it would be over with so they can start making spring plans.

Because being trapped inside for months on end isn't very appealing.

Going back to the bed and over to the bedside table, Maya turns on her phone, double checking her plane tickets. She's relieved to see that their flight hasn't been cancelled because of the storm.

Her next stop is the bathroom where she starts to prepare for a shower. She turns the water to a hotter setting, making her smile as she imagines Carina's complaints about the temperature.

While she prefers hot showers, Carina thought her ideal setting is too hot. She would much rather have just a warm shower compared to a hot one, claiming that 'it burns her skin.'

When they take showers together, Maya allows the temperature to be a little cooler than what she would like. But if it's just her taking a shower, like in this moment, she happily chooses her steaming hot water.

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