Chapter One

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Building a family isn't as easy as Maya had originally hoped. Carina tried her best to warn her. To tell her that the process of having a baby would most likely be long and challenging. But they went for it anyway.

The first egg that they used, didn't stick. And although it hurt, Maya and Carina almost saw it coming.

Given Carina's age, they knew it would be more difficult for her to get pregnant. Plus throwing IVF into the mix made things even more complicated.

Then on their second try, the egg stuck, and they were both so ecstatic.

The happiness and excitement lasted all the way up to Carina's third month mark when they tragically lost the baby. The happiness was replaced with devastation.

It was three months of love and bonding. Three months of growing attached to the life growing inside of her. They were there and then they weren't.

Carina had a hard time dealing with the loss, like most would expect. She felt the physical connection to the baby. They were apart of her for twelve weeks.

And Maya, she was hurting, but she forced all the pain down to focus on her wife. Carina needed her support and Maya was there for her at every moment. Even the times that Carina pushed her away. She was still there.

She didn't really have the time to process the loss of their baby. The hurt and grief swiveled around deep down, but she couldn't pay it any attention, or she'd break down. Maya couldn't afford to take her focus off of her wife to look after herself because she felt as if Carina deserved it more than her.

Carina felt the pain. She felt the physical loss.

Maya didn't find it fair to put the focus on herself when her wife was hurting. It just didn't feel right.

But when six weeks passed and Carina was still having a hard time, Maya suggested that they go on a vacation to hopefully take a little break from reality.

The blonde could tell that Carina was just going through the motions. Just trying to get through the day. She was hardly living.

It's been weeks since Maya's heard her laugh or even seen her smile. She wants her wife back.

Her loving and caring and happy wife.

She feels selfish for wanting that. Here Carina is, having just gone through a tragic event, and Maya's thinking about herself. It feels wrong.

It took some convincing, but ultimately, Carina agreed to go on the vacation. It would be a quick trip of only four days in California with the hotel right next to the beach. It would be short, but hopefully enough to clear their heads for a little bit.

On the night before their flight from Seattle to Los Angeles, they finally started to pack for their trip. While folding the clothes to fit in the luggage, Maya noticed that the news was calling for a snow storm within the next forty eight hours.

"A snow storm in spring?" Maya points out. Although, it's only early April, and Seattle weather can usually be pretty unpredictable.

"Sí, but hopefully we will beat the storm and be enjoying the heat next to the beautiful water," Carina says with a smile. The beach is far more better than snow in her eyes.

"Mhm," Maya nods, handing her pile of folded shirts to her wife, who neatly organized them in the suitcase.

"Thank you for doing this," Carina sighs, not making eye contact with the blonde, instead continuing to work on the packing.

"Thank you for agreeing to go," Maya replies. "I think it will be good for us to get out of town for a few days."

"Sí," Carina agrees, closing the suitcase and zippering it shut. She looks over at the clock on their bedside table, seeing that it's already ten o'clock.

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