O That Our Father Would Applause Our Loves

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Chapter 25: O That Our Fathers Would Applause Our Loves

Dane sat next to Jeff on the couch in his living room. His parents stood in front of them, staring down, the tension in the room dark and unhappy.

Jeff glared at them and took Dane's hand in his. Defiant. But stupid, Dane feared.

"I don't understand," his mother repeated for the millionth time. "I just... I don't understand."

The basketball player snorted. "What's not to understand? Dane and I are boyfriends." He shrugged. "That's it. That's all there is."

Drew looked nauseous. "That just doesn't make sense Jeff. You both hate each other."

Dane didn't even look up from the wood floor. He just wished this moment was over. Nothing good was going to come of them knowing. Nothing.

"We've known you for seven years! You're not even gay, Jeff! How can you be his boyfriend?" Larissa's voice almost bordered on hysterical.

"Oh I am very gay." Jeff laughed angrily, disgusted by their ignorance. "Very gay."

"Did Dane...did Dane...do this to you? We never should have let him share the bed with you. I'm so sorry!" Drew meant every word he said.

Dane intending to let them say whatever they wanted, but he just couldn't let that go.

"Did you really just accuse me of giving Jeff my gay cooties?" Not sure if he should laugh or cry.

"Dane, that is enough. Jeff wasn't like this before. You 'did' something to him. He couldn't stop once you ...did something to him." This was his mom. The woman who gave birth to him.

"What? My gay hormones overcame his innocent hetero cells and he couldn't resist me? Cause I'm all that? Thanks for having such a good impression of my sex appeal and virility."

"You are all that, Dane. You are sexy. Of course I fell for your hot body." Jeff dared to smirk. "Larissa, Dane and I have been together since the very beginning. I had a crush on him since the second I met him, but yes, we are really together now. More than just...the physical. We're in love." Jeff said, with absolute conviction and honesty in the face of their homophobia and ignorance.

"Physical? As in ..." Drew's face was a comical picture of disgust. "Like more than kissing?"

"Like fucking," Dane said, all of a sudden absolute done with this whole shit show. Jeff shook his head. His boyfriend was going bonkers right in front of his eyes. And he was so here for it. "We have been fucking ever since we were fourteen. He sticks his huge cock in my ass and I love it. He cums inside of me. He sucks my dick and I suck his and we are never going to stop. In the last four years, we have fucked here on the couch, on the kitchen table, in the pantry, on the porch, on the piano, on the stairs, in the shower, in your bed..."

Larissa looked aghast at Jeff, who shrugged and nodded happily.

"Get out of my house," Dane's father said, every single word laced with hatred. "Both of you. I don't care that it's after midnight. Pack your things and get out. And don't ever speak to us again."

"Gladly," Dane spit.


Dennis rolled over in bed, but Deandra picked up the house phone. It was attached by a cord to the wall. It had a rotary dial. Cells were not welcome or allowed in their home past ten. All of the twins' friends knew that if they wanted to chat at night, it had to be over a real phone.

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