If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On

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Chapter Nine: If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On

Dane waited by the flagpole after school, Jude by his side. He'd agreed to give his friend some version of voice lessons today, glad to have some kind of buffer between himself and Mr. Jekyll and Hyde. Honestly, standing here, watching kids stream off campus and into their cars, Dane had no idea if Jeff was going to come home with him now, or if...who knows. He was going to go hang out with someone. According to what he said this morning, he had no shortage of partners. Just thinking about Dane spending time with Luke made him feel like there were sharks swimming in his belly.

But they hadn't said they were exclusive. In fact, before these last two weeks, they were very clearly unexclusive. Still, to Dane, things had changed. But maybe they hadn't to Jeff. Seemed pretty clear that Jeff had every opportunity to spend time with lots of other people, and that only circumstances had kept him with Dane and Dane alone recently. He was probably thrilled to get away. Probably pulling down Luke's pants right this fucking second.

"Why are we waiting here, Dane?" Jude asked impatiently. But turned with a slow smile as Jamie bounded up to them, pulling on Dane's arm.

"Let me hang out with you guys! Come on, okay? Noah and Joey have an away game, and Harrison insists on studying."

"Of course," Dane answered as Jude nodded. "Jude and I are going to practice for the audition though."

Jamie looked thoughtful, tugging on his curls. "Maybe I should try out for that? Do you think?"

Jude's eyebrows raised up to their hairline. "Why?"

Dane shoved his friend. "I didn't think you were interested in theater or music really." Jamie was way more of an outdoor kind of person. In the three years he'd known Jamie, Dane didn't remember the blonde boy really talking about any groups or music he particularly enjoyed. He was happy to do whatever Dane was doing if they hung out, but otherwise he'd rather ride his bike or go ziplining or snowboarding in the winter and swimming in the summer. But he definitely was dramatic, so maybe it wasn't too big of a stretch to see him in a play of some kind.

Jamie shrugged and grinned. "I'm not really, but I don't really have anything to do these days."

"Except doing Noah, you mean," Dane teased and was delighted when Jamie blushed, so happy for his friend's happiness.

"Yeah," Jamie said embarrassed. "But basketball is a big commitment, and he's still focusing on his art too. I don't want to just... be his groupie or whatever. I don't really want to sit through all those basketball games, even though he does look hot in his uniform. He doesn't mind if I do other stuff."

"Jasper and Matt will be happy if you audition, Jamie," Jude said. "I think a bunch of kids are dropping out because they aren't into Shakespeare."

"Shakespeare?" Jamie repeated, confused.

Before Dane could explain he saw Jeff approaching them. Frowning.

Dane left his friends for a second and met his kind of boyfriend, roommate before he reached them.

"Hey," Dane said cautiously. "How was the rest of your day?" He wanted to put his hand out and take Jeff's but held back, not sure of the reception he'd get.

"It was fine," Jeff said guardedly.

"I wasn't sure if you were coming home with me," Dane said hesitantly.

"Kicking me out already?" Jeff winced, staring at the ground.

"No, no I told you I wouldn't do that. I mean it. But...," Dane shrugged. "I mean, we didn't talk about after school, or ... I mean, maybe you were going to... I don't expect you would want to come home right away, or ... but I mean, I did think you might be tired, but..."

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