There's a Small Choice in Rotten Apples

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Chapter 21: There's a Small Choice in Rotten Apples

Dane pushed Jeff against the alley wall, grabbing Jeff's belt at the back to hold him closer. Jeff smiled, canines sharp in his wall of blazing white teeth, lifting his chin so it was just out of reach of his boyfriend's lips.

"Hey jerkass Jeff, put your fucking face down so I can stick my tongue down your throat," Dane rasped, pulling on the hoodie ties at his neck, cinching them tight.

"Why are you so fucking horny? Can't keep your hands off me for a second? We're in a public place. There's people everywhere, Dane. Your parents are here somewhere." He looked cautiously up and down the alley, people walking in droves at either end. But they were alone.

"Just kiss me, okay?"

Dane really didn't have an explanation for it. He felt...giddy. For the first time since... maybe since forever. He felt light. Felt just full of happiness. Plain Dane, (ha!), uptight, slightly anxiety prone, felt suffused with unadulterated, simple, easy, happiness.

He was in love. He'd said it out loud. He'd told Jeff he loved him. Stupid, idiotic, dumb, lame, asshole, sweet, wonderful, gorgeous, Jeff. He'd said those three words and the world hadn't imploded. And Jeff hadn't yelled, "Psych!!!" and run away guffawing at the extended practical joke. He'd held Dane and they'd whispered they loved each other all night long.

It was...amazing. Just freaking amazing.

"Why should I, Dane?" Jeff asked, cupping his hands, cast be damned, around Dane's ass, squeezing him. "Why should I kiss you in this dark alley on Halloween night?"

Dane lifted his eyes to Jeff. Who bit his lip, and bent down, rubbing his head on Dane's shoulder, hiding, not able to take the look on Dane's face. He didn't want Dane to see him cry.

"You should kiss me, because I love you," Dane whispered in the exposed ear near his lips.

"Good answer," Jeff said, kissing up Dane's neck, to his mouth, holding him close. Hoping he didn't fuck things up again. Hoping this was truly the beginning of everything real and serious and forever between them.


Jamie's eyes were everywhere. Noah walked beside his boyfriend, holding his hand, watching Jamie bounce on his toes, pulling Noah one second towards a pumpkin carving contest, the next second begging for a bag of caramel corn. Luke would bring out his wallet whenever Jamie asked for anything, and it was hand delivered with a smile, earning him a tight hug from the blonde ball of sunshine.



Two days ago

Jamie and Noah decided to allow Luke to dress up with them. It was their tradition, since they met, to wear theme costumes.

"Naw, no thanks. I don't dress up for Halloween."

Jamie's face fell, and he turned to Noah, disappointed.

"Don't be dumb, Luke," Noah shook his head, while his roommate bent down, dumping Tabitha's very smelly cat food into her dish. "This is not a casual invitation. Dressing up, together, is a huge part of who we are. Harrison once wanted for the four of us to have a group costume, but there was no way. Because Halloween is just for us. Because we're best friends. So us including you is a big deal."

"Stop, Noah. It's cool. He doesn't want to. We shouldn't force him to do it. Then it's not fun. Whatever. It's fine," Jamie's tone was way too casual. Even Luke already knew what it meant, and winced that he'd upset the boy of his dreams inadvertently. He ran after Jamie who'd already moved into the living room, flinging himself down on the couch, hands behind his head, face turned sharply away.

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