Friendship is Constant in All Things...Save Love

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Chapter 23: Friendship is Constant in All Things...Save Love

"So, Jeff. You went on stage with Dane at the festival?" Drew asked as the four of them ate dinner in the week following Halloween.

Dane paused for a moment, then kept eating, as normally as he could while freaking out internally.

Larissa nodded. "It's true. Alyisha and I talked for a few minutes that evening. I wish you'd spend more time with her, Dane. She's so sweet. You should invite her to dinner, okay? She told me that you were supposed to sing...some kind of love song... with Timmy. But then he didn't show up, so Jeff, you sang with him?"

Jeff nodded, figuring the less said the better. Although he questioned why Alyisha was butting into their business. She must know that things with Dane's parent's were difficult at best.

Drew grimaced. "That was nice of you, I guess. But Dane would never expect you to do that. No one would Jeff. I know you're doing the play and everything, but you don't need to do anything extra. I'm sure it was horrible."

Jeff tried to let it go, but he couldn't. "It really wasn't that bad. Getting on stage is kind of like playing in a game. People are watching, you do stuff. Sometimes you're good, sometimes you suck. But it was fine. I didn't mind helping Dane." All this said with his eyes down on his food, trying not to stare at his boyfriend, but under the table he stretched his legs, their feet connecting.

"But singing a love song with another boy?" Larissa shook her head and smiled at Jeff. "You must be so ready to get your cast off.  One week to go?  Let us know what you need to get started with physical therapy. I bet there's tons of exercises you can learn off youtube or something. Have you talked to Coach Dennis yet? Lane loved him when he coached  his team senior year. The sooner you get back on the court, the better, right?"

Jeff opened his mouth to argue, but Dane stamped on his foot and shook his head slightly. He got it, Dane didn't want his parents to find out. But Jeff honestly was reaching an end point with Larissa and Drew. They had zero respect for Dane's hard work in the play or his music at all. They didn't even ask Dane how the performance at the festival went, or if he was upset that Timmy ditched him. Nothing.

"You didn't come and watch? You said you talked to Alyisha, you were there. But you didn't see it?'

Larissa smiled and started cleaning up the dirty dishes. "No thank you. I've seen enough of Dane's performances, when he was younger. He doesn't expect us to come to those things, not for quite a few years now."

"Thank god," Drew laughed. "Jeff, you have no idea! The years of sitting still for hours on end, listening to kids tootle on their instruments. My legs would fall asleep every single time. What a relief that's done. But please, let us know when you start playing again. I would LOVE to come watch your games. Lane says Mason's always bragging that you're a tremendous player."

Dane silently helped his mom clean off the table and wash the dishes, as Jeff and Drew continued to talk basketball. The taller boy tried hard to keep up the charade, for Dane's sake, and his own, he guessed, but part of him just wanted to see what would happen if he walked over to his boyfriend and kissed him. Both of these jerks would probably have freaking heart attacks.

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