Speak Low if You Speak of Love

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Chapter 22: Speak Low if You Speak of Love

A: Can you come over this morning before school for breakfast? My parents miss you! And so does Gigi!

D: Of course. I know I've been busy with the play. I'm sorry we haven't spent that much time together.

A: You know it's not about the play. It's Jeff. You're always with him.

D: I know.

A: Has he really calmed down? You never complain about him anymore.

D: Nope. I don't know what to say. I feel like I'll jinx it.

A: What do you mean?

D: We're really happy. I'm really happy.

A: All of a sudden?

D: Not really. It's complicated. But it's good. So good.

A: What about Timmy? Seems like something is brewing with him.

D: Nope.

A: Nope? Just like that? Nope? I thought you still had feelings for him.

D: Nope.

A: Okay, Dane. If you say so.

D: I do. I'm with Jeff. I'm happy.

A: Okay. See you soon? Got anything delicious for us?

D: Not really! Sorry! I haven't been baking much lately.

A: Okay. That's... okay.


Dane knocked on the door and his friend answered, smiling brightly, the worst kind of person on the planet.

A morning person.

Dane really was too. But his morning persona was calm, quiet and zen. Alyisha was chipper and cheery. Which was sometimes way too much at seven in the morning.

"I'm so glad you could come!" Alyisha reached out and brought her friend inside, practically shutting the door in Jeff's face. "Oh, you're here too? That's....great."

A tiny orange fluff ball barked and yipped and growled at Jeff. Dane was already through the hall and being greeted by Alyisha's parents, Gabriel and Julia. Dane's best friend smiled at Jeff, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Sorry, Gigi is overprotective. She's very nervous around strangers. Don't try to pet her. She bites."

Jeff nodded, uneasy. "Great." He stood there awkwardly while she waited, staring at him, then abruptly turned around and walked into the kitchen. Jeff exhaled and followed her. This was going to be a fantastic morning, he could tell already.

He walked into a kitchen the polar opposite of sterile Dane's culinary operating room. He loved his boyfriend, but he was definitely a clean freak in the worst possible way. This place was more like Jeff's childhood home, so much so that he started to feel that weird uncomfortable feeling in his stomach when he thought of everything he'd lost.

Where Dane's counters were spotless and bare, these were covered with books, dishes, stacks of paper in varying stages of falling over. Baskets of ripening fruit on kitchen chairs. An old fridge humming in a loud and distorted way that suggested a new appliance would soon be needed. Its doors were covered with magnets and notes and photos. Haphazard paintings hung just off center on the walls.

Two people were cooking in the space, laughing and shouting over each other, good natured jokes and insults. Dane was already in the thick of it, helping Alyisha's mom scoop rice onto plates.

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