Though I am Not Naturally Honest, I am so Sometimes by Chance

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Chapter Fifteen: Though I am Not Naturally Honest, I am so Sometimes by Chance

It was the second official rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet. Everyone gathered on the stage as before. Jasper organized people into cohorts. Jamie and Luke. Jude, Taylor and Kimmie. Dane, Jeff and Timmy.

"These are your main acting teams. We'll be doing a ton of work as a whole cast, and split into alternate teams at times, with Timmy joining Luke and Jamie, and Dane and Jeff joining Jude. Taylor and Kimmie, as our "community" characters, the prince and the friar, you'll usually be partnered together, but of course Taylor, as the prince, you have scenes with Jeff and the Montague boys, and Kimmie you'll work a few scenes with Timmy and Dane." Jasper spoke, not looking up from his notes.

Everyone glanced at each other, a little confused.

"It's cool, guys," Matt said, pushing Jasper to pay attention, noting everyone's anxiety. "It's just early days. We'll tell you what you need to know and what to do. It's our job as your directors to ... you you."

"What are Ted and Riley doing here?" Jude asked, sitting down, patting the spot next to them for Taylor to sit. Which he did, smiling softly at Jude.

"Jasper and Matt insisted we join your little band of hooligans," Ted said drily. "I'm going to figure out costumes and props and Riley's going to help with sets and lighting."

"I have no idea how to do either of those things," said the sophomore nervously to his boyfriend. "Like.. at all."

Ted patted Riley's blonde head. "We'll figure it out together, sweetie."

Riley shrugged, bringing Ted's hand to his lips to kiss. "I know it'll be okay if you help me. You're so smart, Teddy."

"Such a cutie," Ted murmured, kissing Riley's cheek, then lips, then climbing onto his lap and proceeding to tongue kiss him, Riley's hands immediately finding Ted's ass.

"So!!!" Jasper said loudly. The two lovebirds reluctantly pulled apart, Riley pulling his backpack onto his lap to hide what everyone had already seen. "Anyway!! We're going to start with a few ice breakers, a few trust activities and then some improvisation activities, and if we have time, I'll ask you all to think a little bit about how you relate to your character. If we don't have time, that's homework!"

Jamie groaned. "Jasper, I have so much homework already! Are you serious?"

Luke scooted closer to the blonde boy. "I told you, Jamie. I can help you with your school stuff. I'm a year older and actually do pretty well in school."

Dane was unhappily surprised to see Jamie smile at him. "Cool. That's cool. How about after practice? Can you come to my house? Or let's go to Noah's to visit Tabitha." Jamie leaned against the taller boy. "I'll text Noah. We should all have dinner together."

Luke bit his lip, grinning like a loon. It was easily the happiest Dane had seen the guy ever.

"What in the hell is going on with you two?" Jude said in a grim voice, shocked. "Jamie....You can't be serious."

"Jamie..." Dane didn't even know what to say.

"Noah and Jamie and I are a threesome now. It's freaking amazing." Luke gloated. Taylor winced, then turned his head away as if he was looking at something up in the rafters. Jeff laughed outright, unsurprised. Luke always got what he wanted.

Jamie stiffened and his face blushed pink. "Shut up, Luke. That's not true. Don't make it weird. It's cool, Jude. Dane. You don't need to freak out. Noah knows. We're friends. Just friends."

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