There is Some Soul of Goodness in Things Evil

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Chapter Fourteen: There is Some Soul of Goodness in Things Evil

Luke blinked blankly. "What?

Jamie shook his head, grinning. Luke had a hard time looking away. Whatever it was that Jamie had, it was mesmerizing to him. Every time. Any time. Jamie just had to stand there, in his proximity, and Luke felt like his guts were twisting with overwhelming, intense feeling. It grew and grew (as did other things) the more time he spent with Jamie. 

 Luke was so grateful that Jeff had clued him in to Jamie's participation in the musical, and to Jasper and Matt casting the beautiful boy as his best friend. He craved any time with Jamie that he could have. Thought he'd have to beg, borrow and steal to get that time with him.

But here was Jamie, offering himself on a silver platter.

Luke immediately pushed forward, wrapping Jamie tight in his arms, shuddering, his nose in the crook of Jamie's neck, kissing hard the soft soft skin he found there. His tongue tasted Jamie's delicious...

"Oh my god, you dork, that is not what I meant!" Jamie pushed Luke back, wiping the spit off his neck, rubbing it on Luke's shirt. "You had better believe you're dead if you left a fucking mark on me."

Luke tried to stand up straight, tried to get control of himself, but it was hard (quite literally).

"What the fuck, Jamie? What the hell is going on? You are the freaking queen of mixed messages." Jamie's yes/no behavior was half of what turned him on, Luke knew. The blonde boy could never quite state plainly enough if he liked Luke or not. Which left Luke a mess of unsatisfied longings, blue balls and vivid dreams.

Luke knew he was all that, knew he was probably the hottest looking guy at their school, was definitely the hottest guy he'd seen at least; Tall, impeccably dressed, maybe a tiny bit on the lanky side, but with brownish blonde hair that he styled perfectly, cut jaw, thick pouty lips, dark mysterious brown eyes. Not too shabby. Jamie was hands down the most beautiful boy Luke had EVER seen anywhere, in real life or on any screen. He wasn't super short, had a perfect portioned body, glowing skin, gigantic blue eyes, golden hair that drove Luke absolutely bonkers. He dreamed every single night of that crown of hair in between his legs, Jamie's mouth working his cock, or yanking on that hair as he fucked Jamie breathless.


Also that hair, those eyes, that smile as Jamie held he and Luke's first baby in his arms. As they made love in their first apartment. As they stood together with their family and friends surrounding them, Dane could be singing maybe, Taylor could be his best man, as they got married and promised each other forever and ever and ever.

Luke wanted Jamie so badly. Life couldn't be so cruel as to have him meet the most perfect boy on the planet, only to deny him the happily ever after he craved with all of his being.

It just was impossible.

"You're so...gah....why do you always..." Jamie shook his head now, clearly frustrated. "I don't this is really going to... I just...I thought it would but...maybe.." He held out his hand to Luke, sighing. "Come on."

Luke didn't blink twice, but just took Jamie's hand, squeezing it gently. "Where are we going?"

"Noah's basketball practice, of course."

"Of ...course?' Luke uttered, more confused than ever, but followed Jamie without a moment's hesitation.


Inside the gym, the bounce of the ball and the squeak of shoes echoed loudly. Luke wrinkled up his quite perfect nose. If Jeff wasn't playing, he really had zero interest in watching sports of any kind. It was definitely not his thing, but Jamie was absolutely his thing. Jamie's boyfriend, the basketball star, was NOT his thing.

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