The Mortal Queens

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In every village her Guild passed by, the people went out to watch them.

To watch the new Queen of Criminals who was now headed to the Continent to meet with the Mortal Queens.

Rhaella walked through every town besides the remaining Ravens, with her crowned head held up high.
She didn't break down.

However, as soon as Rhaella walked in the room of whatever inn they were staying at, her shoulders would fall, her head would sink, she would take off her crown and cry until she fell asleep. If she ever did.

Finally, they reached the ships that would take them to the Continent.

Rhaella, June and Kalta were the last ones to get on it.
They were making sure no one was left behind, that everything was ready and, of course, that no one tried anything.

The trip through sea was boring and incredibly long. Or at least, that's what Rhaella and June thought.

Kalta was enjoying herself giving orders to everyone so they could go faster, climbing up and down ropes, trying to fish...

June was pale all the time they were on that ship. Sometimes even throwing up.

And Rhaella was just bored and sad.


"We are here." Kalta said as they stepped down the ship.

"We ended up coming to the Continent after all." June whispered from beneath her mask.

Rhaella shook her head, the chains of her crown lightly hitting her face.

"We're not here to conquer." She warned. "We are civil here... No threats."

Both girls nodded and they all walked deeper into the city.


They had decided to meet in one of the many palaces of Jutia, the Kingdom of the Mortal Queen Briallyn.

Her Kingdom was full of luxury and pretentious people.
The streets were filled with nobles giggling and shopping, but in every corner, a starving kid sat asking for money.

The Queen of Criminals and Goddess of Death walked through the streets of the city, the crowd moving out of her way.

Her successors, the Goddess of War and the Goddess of Royals, walked besides her.

And her Guild of Criminals followed them close by. Walking behind their Queen and their Gods.

The castle grounds were vast.
Beautiful green gardens surrounded the stone building. Towers crowned the piece of architectural art.

"Only we go in." Rhaella said, not bothering looking over her shoulder.

"Your Majesty" a criminal said, "at least bring some of us... For protection."

Rhaella stopped dead on her tracks, just like June and Kalta.

She turned around slowly and when she spoke, she made every men and woman that heard her tremble:

"I don't need anyone to save me."

Rhaella walked into the castle and let guards with their hands on their swords lead her to where she would meet with the Queens.

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