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She was done seeking power.

She had everything she needed: a money income for her family, a new family that loved her no matter what, someone who would go through hell and back for her, someone she loved...

She was feared and they knew her not as a simple woman, but as a Goddess.

Rhaella was happy with where she stood, with her position.
And she decided she wanted nothing else than to stay where she was.


He wanted her by his side.

She could do great things if she wanted to, if the ambition she once had came back.

But now, surrounded as she was by her Ravens, by her new family, he was too far away from her.
He was too far to control her, to order her to do as he pleased without having yet another fight and giving up to her wishes.

She had power. More than she thought.

But so did he.


"You and Delilah have gotten awfully close." Rhaella said while helping Hugo tide up everything the Ravens had used for training that day.

It was usual now for her to stay back and help the man.
He was good company.
And they both loved each other. One time, a new woman to the Guild mistook them for father and daughter.

Nothing could erase both their smiles that day.

"What do you mean?" Hugo asked, hiding the pink on his cheeks.

"You like her!" Rhaella laughed. "This is great! It's like when a kid's parents finally get together!"

"You think of us as your parents?" Hugo said, smiling at the girl.

Now, it was Rhaella's turn to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"You treat me as a child." She defended herself.

"Because deep down you are." Hugo said, lightly punching her arm.

"Do you remember how disappointed you were at first when you had to train me? You wouldn't stop making me run laps."

"I didn't want to get attached... People in this Guild die very fast. Especially teenagers."

"Did it work? Did making me run laps made you not get attached?"

"Of course it did not." Delilah said, entering the training room. "He loves you."

"I don't think I've ever seen you in the training room." Hugo smiled.

"There is a first time for everything."

Rhaella watched the both of them grinning like idiots and she wondered if Lorcan and her looked like that when they talked.

"Come with me. Both of you." Delilah said. "We are having tea."

So they did.

Rhaella had tea with both of them and sat there as they bickered with each other. She laughed at every poor attempt of Delilah teaching manners to Hugo and couldn't believe her eyes when Hugo Iles at the woman every time she corrected his posture.

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