The purge

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She was ready.

At least, she thought she was.

Rhaella still didn't know what her purge would be, but she was ready.

She had been training for most her life. This wouldn't be a problem, right?

There was nothing she could do now.

She got out of her room and started to walk towards the Room of Death as they called it.

Basically, a changing room full of weapons and that was only used in the purging period to get ready for the purge.

The walk to the room was... Full of people.

The members of the Guild (the ones that lived with her anyways) crowded the hallways, watching her march to her possible death.

She saw Hugo and Delilah.
The first one was terrified while the second one looked calm. But Rhaella could see past that mask and saw that Delilah was truly scared for her.

"You are out of you mind, you know that, right?" A voice she knew said.

He was leaning on the door. His black hair fell over his forehead and his eyes. He was wearing his usual black clothes that looked more like a uniform.

Still, Lorcan was breathtaking.

She wasn't the only one who could see that.
Boys and girls around them (some around their age, others just children who had their first crush) looked at him like he was water and they hadn't drunk any in centuries.

Rhaella stood in front of him.

"I know. That's what makes me so amazing, wouldn't you say?"

Lorcan smiled and looked at her up and down.
"Amazingly beautiful or amazingly dumb?" He questioned.

"How about both?" She replied with a small smile.

"My favourite combination." He whispered. "For a dead girl."

"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you? At least pretend you have some faith I'll come back in one piece!" Rhaella had forgotten how annoying the boy could be.

"Whatever you say."

With that, he moved from the door and opened it for her.

She pretended she wasn't afraid as she walked into the Room if Death and started to get dressed.

She acted as if she could survive to see another sunrise as she hid knifes all over her body.

She made sure she looked cold and confident as she walked out the door, where everyone, including Dante, was waiting for her.

The girl walked towards him and waited for him to talk. To say the words that would bring death or glory to her life.

"Your purge has been decided, Rhaella Nyx Archeron. The test to prove that you are willing to fight for this Guild... For me, your King. Are you ready to face it?" Dante spoke, not only to her, but to everyone in the room.

"Yes." She answered, looking up at him.

"You'll steal a diamond necklace from the house of a noble family. If you get out, you will find in a pot the coordinates to find the rest of the Guild who will be waiting for you." He stopped talking.

'Steal a necklace?' She thought. 'I can do that.'

"Get your horse ready. Lorcan and Marcel deliver you to the noble house of Sisko."

The room fell silent. Tension built up.
Rhaella didn't know why, but everyone's eyes darkened, making her stomach twitch with fear.

Delilah came forward and placed a hand on Dante's shoulder.

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