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The night had been awful.

The three girls were tense and ready to jump of the bed and fight each other at any given moment.
Besides, Rhaella didn't want to sleep. She knew the nightmares would come. Just like they had come in the nursery.
She didn't want to wake up screaming with those girls looking at her, mocking her.

Now, in the early morning, Rhaella had to drink four cups of coffee to keep her eyes open.

"Come on, Rhaella." Hugo said coming from behind and taking the coffee away. The man had arrived this morning and had hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe. And then, he had threatened her to kill her if she told anyone. "We have training to do. And we are late."

"How about we don't go?" She answered as Hugo grabbed her arm and started to drag her to the training room.

"You know we can't do that."

The girl scoffed and let Hugo drag her all the day.
She knew the man needed that. He needed to realize she was still there, alive, breathing.

Even though she wouldn't tell anyone, she needed it too.

They arrived too soon for Rhaella's liking.
No one was there yet.

The room was huge and full of everything they needed to train" swords (both wooden and real), targets, knifes, daggers, bows, axes, mats for sparing...

"Where is everyone? I thought we were late." She argued.

Before she could realize what was happening, Hugo's fist came to her face.
And hit her.

"So mature!" Rhaella exclaimed, caressing her cheek. "Are you scared you'll loose if you give me a heads up or what?"

"Did the Sisko's give you a 'heads up'?" He said, trying to hit her again.

"No. They didn't." She blocked his punch and pushed him again. "Look where that got them."

Hugo's laugh was interrupted by Rhaella's fist colliding with his stomach.

"Now we're even." Hugo said, lunging against her again.


They were going to be late if they didn't run.
As usual.

Lorcan, Lysander and Maxa stated late the night before... drinking.

Now, the three of them were running through the corridors with a huge headache. And holding the vomit that was threatening to come out.

In the end, they weren't late.

In fact, they were five minutes early.

However, when they walked in the training room, they found Rhaella already there sparing with Hugo.

Both were sweating and Rhaella's ponytail was a mess.
Her short brown hair was everywhere, glued to her faced due to the sweat.

She still managed to look beautiful.

Lorcan crossed his arms above his chest and watched both of them fighting like animals.

Neither of the three had ever fought with such brutality with anyone.
Lorcan didn't think they could have handled it.

And yet, here they were.

June and Kalta joined them soon after and, for a moment, all five of them were standing together without trying to Rio each other's throats.

Maybe that was what Hugo wanted.
Maybe that was why he was already there fighting with Rhaella.

Or maybe she was just his favorite.

A Court of Pain and SorrowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum