New Home

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Rhaella rode as fast as she could, telling herself that the tears in her eyes were because of the wind in her face and not because of what had just happened.

She had to stop at an inn, but didn't feel like paying.

So she changed into her Raven armor and walked in.

They gave her the best bedroom and a nice meal for free.
She left before sunrise.

Rhaella kept riding until, finally, the Guild came into view.

She took her mask off and hopped down of her horse.

Before walking in she stopped at the graveyard.

Rhaella screamed and kicked Marcel's gravestone.
She punched it and kicked it until the stone was dug out of the ground.

She then grabbed it and smashed it on the floor, still screaming.

"What happened?" Dante's voice said behind her.

"I lost them." She whispered without turning to look at them.

"No. They lost you."

Rhaella shook her head.

"I have no home, no family, no name. I'm not an Archeron anymore... I'm nothing."

"You are the Raven Death, my Protected and future Queen of Criminals. You are someone."

"Rhaella Archeron has nothing." She said, finally turning to look at him. "Rhaella Archeron is no one. The Raven Death is everything."

"Then be everything." Dante shrugged. "Stop throwing a tantrum like Rhaella Archeron would and do it the Raven Death's style. Go to a village and steal something, kill someone... But don't stay here feeling sorry for yourself."

"Who?" She asked, the familiar assassin's calm washing over her. "Who do you want me to kill?"

Dante though about it for a second.

"Lord Andrew Callow owes me money... You don't have to kill him if you don't want to... Just take the money, punch him a couple of times and leave."

She wanted to say no.

Rhaella Archeron wanted to refuse, to stay true to who she was.
She didn't want to harm someone Cameron had loved so much.

But Rhaella Archeron was in too much pain for her to be listened to.

So the Raven Death nodded her head and put her mask back on her face.


"Give me the money." She said, throwing the boy against a wall.

"I don't have it!" He screamed. "Please, don't hurt me!"

"Give me the money." She whispered, letting him go. "I'm going to wait here and if you don't come back in ten minutes with the money, I'll skin you alive."

She graced her dagger across the boy's cheek, cutting the flesh slightly to make her intentions clear.

She sat down in the chair and rested her feet on the desk in front of her.

"Time starts now." She whispered, twirling the dagger in between her fingers.

Andrew ran away, probably to collect the money or to run away.

If it was the second one, she would have to kill him.


Fifteen minutes after, Andrew stumbled inside the room, carrying a bag full of money and jewels.

A Court of Pain and SorrowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora