Chapter 42: canon gay doing gay shit

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TW: Greek Mythology

Clouds coated the darkening sky, making it hard to distinguish anything in it other than the faint glow of the far away moon, its brightness dimmed down. Logan watched as the cloud patterns slowly shifted and changed, making the moon more or less visible by times as he leaned slightly against the wall behind him, hoping not to ruin the surprise as he waited for Roman to get there. Today would be their first real date, the first one since the two started dating. This didn't mean that much would change from their usual routine, still meeting on the same spot and planning on going to the park, but it'll be something new. Things had changed, hopefully for the better. And because of that, Logan had a bouquet of flowers behind his back.

Roman's favorite flower was red roses. It wasn't only because of their undoubtful beauty, but more because of what they symbolized. Yes, they were a symbol of love, everyone knew that, but Roman appreciated the story behind it, how the reason for this was Greek Mythology, one of crowns special interests.

While Logan's left arm held the bouquet of flowers, the right one had a small tray with two cups on it, one containing a caramel latte that Logan had bought just a minute ago, the other having blood that the vampire had brought from home. He had already asked Roman if cloud was ok with this, considering how coffee didn't taste as nice anymore, and price had said they didn't mind. All that was left now was for Roman to show up.

Crown appeared not after long. When ey did, Logan was mesmerized by prince. Cloud was wearing a white turtleneck, along with a long, dark red skirt that reached to the ankle, black corset holding it in place. The skirt itself was flowy and with some volume, making it seem almost as if it came from a fantasy land. Even now, Roman was earing their heeled boots, Logan loving em for it. Prince's hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, some strands falling off as usual but not blocking crowns eyes, which shone, in part thanks to the golden eyeline ey wore, which matched with a think necklace cloud was wearing.

"You look- wow," Logan breathed when Roman was next to him.

"You too," Roman replied, chuckling slightly, which made Logan feel his face go red

"I'm sorry, it's just- There are no words to describe how gorgeous you look," Logan said. Roman smiled widely

"Thanks! I do have words to describe how you look tho- you are very handsome, Logan. You look amazing tonight, absolutely dashing. I can't wait to spend the next few hours with you on our date, I'm sure it'll be amazing."

"Thank you, I- um-" Logan's gay brain was at a loss of words. He offered Roman the bouquet of roses, "Here, for you. Hope you like them"

"Oh my God!" Roman picked held them, admiring their beauty, "My favorite! Logan, you shouldn't have-"

"I don't care if I shouldn't, I wanted to," Logan smiled, "And here, I already ordered your coffee, caramel latte, as always."

Roman smiled even more, if that was even possible, holding the coffee in one hand, the flowers in the other, "Should we get going to the park then?"

"Yeah, sure," Logan nodded. Even with the hands full, Roman offered Logan the arm that was holding the flowers. Logan took it, and so the couple began the walk towards the park.


It was impressive, how every single time they went to the park, their bench was always empty. The stars seemed to align to allow them to spend the night on their favorite spot, enjoy the time together in a familiar place. It was amazing. Destiny, even.

During the way there, Roman had been talking about Aphrodite, the goddess of love in Greek mythology, and how she was the reason roses were the symbol of love. The story had to do with one of her dead, human lovers, and how because of the blood, roses became red.

Crown continued to talk about Aphrodite as they reached the park and sat down on the bench. They told Logan how she had been born form the cut off testicles of Uranus, God of the sky, after the coup that his son Cronos started, encouraged his mother, by Gaia, Goddess of the earth. It was a... rather gruesome story, but the fascination in Roman's eyes as ey told the story made Logan forget all that.

True, Greek mythology was full of bad components as incest, murder and sexism, along with rape,. In Roman's defense, eir father had been a history nerd, specialized in mythology, meaning that Roman had grown up surrounded by these stories, hearing the more lighthearted ones as bedtime stories instead of the traditional fairy tales like Hansen and Gretel, or red riding hood or Cinderella. Cloud's passion for mythology had started in childhood and never left em.

Logan certainly didn't mind. He had grown up reading Percy Jackson since the first book came out, so he himself also had interest in mythology, even if it couldn't compare to Roman. So, having Roman with him, telling and re-telling the myths with incredible accuracy and great communication skills was a blessing. He could listen to cloud for hours and never get bored nor tired.

"...So as you can see, the reason Zeus is the king of the gods is actually a very-" Roman paused mid-infodump after talking for almost twenty minutes now and frowned, "Oh gods, I can't believe I almost forgot!"

"Forgot what?" Logan asked, tilting his head slightly at the sight of Roman's mild distress as they stood up.

"I almost forgot to give you this!" Prince exclaimed, something from a fold of eir skirt, "Isn't my skirt cool? It has pockets," Roman said with a smile, before handing the object to Logan.

It was a relatively small box, altho not too much, wrapped in holographic wrapping paper, tied up with a neat black bow. Logan took it and looked up at Roman in search of some sort of confirmation.

"It's for you," Roman nodded, "Open it!"

So Logan did. Once the wrapper was off (Logan made sure not to ruin it nor the bow, which Roman placed over eir own head as a tiara or headband of some sort), a box was revealed. And upon opening it...

"Do you like it?" Roman asked as Logan took out the tie to get a good look at it, "It's almost impossible to see you not wearing a necktie, so I thought it'll be the best gift for you! I chose it to be the red one with little golden crowns because red is my favorite color and the crowns are cute and kinda lowkey my thing, so that when you look at it and wear it, it'll remind you of me!"

"Roman... this- it's great, I love it," Logan smiled, admiring the tie, "It's perfect. Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Roman smiled back. Logan started to undo the knot of the tie he was currently wearing, "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting on your gift," Logan explained, getting the new tie around his neck, "So? How do I look?"

"You look gorgeous," Roman got closer to Logan, their faces just a few centimeters away from the other, "Can I kiss you?"

"Of course," Logan whispered, Roman's lips soonly colliding against his own. 


idk Logan, that looks pretty gay to me-


idk man, depression

Also, Roman's hearing myths as bedtime stories is based on real events... aka, my childhood-

Not my dad telling me myths from both greek and norse mythology because i loved them, and not me demanding to be told the real wars from accient rome because i found them fascinating-

it... explains a lot, i think-

Peace, Love and Granola

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