Chapter 7: Someone has a crush... 👀

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Logan kept looking at the app on his phone as he tapped his foot, staring at the door of his appartement. 18:23. Was it save now? It should be... right? He hoped it'll be. The app said it was. The man sighed. At least he worked a night job. At least the production he worked in started late. If it wasn't for that...

There had been many things Logan learned thanks to Janus and his impressive non-power point presentation, one of those being the different moments of the day and how they affected vampires. As it turned out, light didn't necessarily equal sunlight; after the sun set, there where a few minutes where there was still light remaining in the sky. Twilight. During that time, even if the sky was relatively light, it was safe for vampires to exit their homes. As long as you weren't hit by a direct ray of sun, there was nothing to worry about. Altho, if the sun did hit you... Remus had a nasty scar in his cheek, a sunburn one. And Janus had another one that started bellow his ear, going down his neck and disappearing underneath his clothes. Those scars had been there for centuries, according to the vampires. Logan didn't want one of those.

Thankfully, there were easy ways to get through that. In fact, there was a phone app that told you where the sun was situated, when it was ok to come out (gay joke not intended). Virgil had downloaded said app in Logan's phone. Sunset had passed by already. He had to go outside.

Taking one final breath, Logan opened the door of his appartement and went downstairs to the street.

It wasn't... different. Not much anyways. The sky still retained some of that baby blue, even if darker than the normal sky. Of course it was darker, there was no sun. At least it was still blue, behind the few clouds that floated around. No moon could be seen, perhaps hidden away by one of these clouds, perhaps behind a building, perhaps there simply no moon in the sky today. There where certainly no stars out, as usual. Logan sighed. Come on. It isn't that hard. Just go.

The theatre building stood tall in front of him. After some hesitation, Logan stepped foot inside it, ready to attempt to get back to his daily routine as fast as humanly possible- or was it as vampiricaly possible now? Vampirism was weird. Not fun.

At first, everything went according to plan. When Logan came inside, the first thing he did was look for Thomas, the director, to apologize again for his absence and for not saying anything the first few days. Thankfully, Thomas was a very understanding man and had already forgiven Logan. Still, one could never be sorry enough, specially since it was all lies. Might as well do some extra apologizing, even if it's not for the thing you really feel sorry about.

Logan met paths with a few of his coworkers, actors and technicians alike, with whom he shared some polite nods or some brief conversation. No one questioned him too much about his absence, Which Logan was thankful for. If no one questioned, then he wouldn't need to lie, things would go back to normal, no one would find out about his new secret. As said, everything was going according to plan.

That was until Logan almost fell over, pushed by a sudden force.

"Logan!! You're back!!"

Logan found himself trapped in a hug by someone taller than him. The individual had brown skin and longish black hair, falling down their neck in a short mullet-like style. This surprise hugger was wearing a white turtleneck, red jacket and black jeans, with boots that added a few extra centimeters to eir height. Logan chuckled slightly, feeling flustered by the hug, but deep down he knew this was just part of his friend's personality.

"I am. Did you miss me much, Roman?"

"Um- yeah!?" Roman pulled away slightly to get a good look at Logan, "You disappeared for 3 days! I got very concerned. I swear I was about to steal one of the prop swords and hunt you down just to make sure you were ok."

"That does sound like something you'd do..." Logan smiled slightly. Roman was one of the few who managed to make him genuinely smile, "But as I said, I was simply ill. Nothing big to worry about."

"I'm glad you're better now. I can't even begin to image the torture it must've been spending so much time without me!" Roman pushed his head back and brought his hand to his head, as if it really was such a tragedy. Well... to certain extend, it was, "Anyways... I missed you. I mean- I mean, well, the other technicians were able to make it all work, but you're definitively the best one. Of the sound department. The show isn't the same without you. I'm the best actor on stage, but you're the best worker out of stage"

"I'm glad you think so highly of me, Roman"

"Just stating the facts!" Roman smiled with that beautifully perfect smile. Clouds eyes widened for a second, "Oh my, you probably have to get everything ready! Make sure nothing's off for tonight's show. And I should get in my costume and makeup and all! See you later, Nerdy Wolverine," Roman waved before walking off.

Logan stared as his friend disappeared. The man sighed. Why did he have to be such an affectionate, adorable, lovable person? Why did Roman have to be so great? It wasn't fair, it simply wasn't.

If asked, Logan would deny it, but he might've had the tiniest crush on the actor. This was the second production they've worked in together, and at some point, the sound technician had caught feelings for the actor. It was truly infuriating. At least the sexual attraction had faded, which made some parts of their relationship less awkward. Unfortunately, along with the romantic feelings some other aspects had become worse.

You see, Logan was a particular individual in the Aroace spectrum. On the one hand, he was demiromantic, only getting romantic attraction towards people he had an emotional bond with. On the other, he was fraysexual, meaning he only felt sexual attraction towards strangers. If there was a God up there, he was probably laughing his ass off. Fraysexual, demiromantic, trans and now a vampire. Such a wonderful creation.

It's not like it mattered anyways. Roman was a wonderful actor, gaining popularity with every new show crown was in. Logan knew that ey would never be interested in a nerd like himself, that surely they wouldn't work in more shows together after this one. Roman was headed for fame, while Logan would probably stay here... or doing whatever he could now that he was a vampire. Even with this considered, and with Logan's efforts on getting past this crush, there was no way of escaping it. Truly frustrating.


That night was particularly successful. The theatre ended up being filled, not one seat empty; not exactly a rare occurrence, but it was always exiting when this happened. Furthermore, all the actors were able to remember their lines to perfection and no one tripped over during any of the musical numbers. It had happened before, but fortunately not tonight.

Even if the vampire wasn't the one in charge of the sound department, his skill wasn't met by any of his other co-workers. While some of the others needed to concentrate when working with the electronics, Logan didn't even have to look as his hands brushed over the many buttons and sliders, all this a second nature for the man. It was simply a funny little talent of his.

Apart form the show going wonderfully, another good thing that happened that night was that no one suspected a thing. To be fair, everyone (except Roman) was wary of him, due to his supposed sickness, no one wanting to catch the pretend illness, meaning that Logan had barely put effort into hiding his new condition. This didn't mean it'll be an easy job from now on; with time, Logan was sure everyone will start to notice something was off, the thing he feared most. 


We officially met Roman our beloved!!

We love Roman, ey's the best lol

I hope we enjoying these chapters. We're being a slight bit soft for now, but things will be much more... fun soon. I promise >:)

Until the next time,

Peace, Love and Granola!

That Wasn't Wine... - Sanders Sides Vampire AuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant