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I ended up sleeping for a little while before I woke up to giggling.

"What the fuck?" I grumbled and opened my eyes. "Good morning!" Devyn said as she and Kat giggled. "What's going on?" I asked and sat up.

"We wanna go to lunch and go shopping." Kat said as I sighed. "I can't go." I said and ran my fingers through my knotted hair. "What if Jake comes with us?" Devyn asked.

"He'd have to ask Colby. Too many people are after me so I have to be careful." I said as they both frowned. "This sucks so bad, you never even leave the house." Kat said as I nodded.

"Yeah, it sucks. At least this house is nice." I said then got out of bed. I was sore from yesterday's events so it hurt to stretch.

"Yeah, it was the best house I could find." Kat said with a grin as Devyn texted someone.

"I doubt he's gonna say yes." I said with a sigh and went towards the closet so I could get ready for the day.

It had to be early afternoon because the sun was fully out and usually after parties the girls didn't wake up until at least noon.

"I just texted Jake telling him to ask." Devyn said as I grabbed some clothes.

"It would really be an asshole move to not say yes. He should be able to trust Jake." Kat said and crossed her arms.

"It's not that he doesn't trust Jake it's just...well it's just complicated." I said with a sigh. "I'm gonna get dressed." I said then went into the bathroom.

I got dressed then brushed my teeth and hair. I knew I wasn't going to be allowed to leave the house at all but I still needed to be put together.

"Ugh! Your boyfriend is the worst!" Devyn groaned as I walked into the main part of the room.

"I told you. Don't worry about it though. You guys have fun." I said with a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry you can't come out with us ever. It feels like we're leaving you out." Kat said with a frown.

"It's just how it has to be for a while. You're not leaving me out at all. In fact you girls make me feel so loved and special all the time." I said as they both pouted their lips.

"We love you, Jules." Devyn said then hugged me. "I love you, too. Now go and have some fun." I said then shooed them away so they could go out.

I had to admit I was a little upset that I couldn't go out and hang out with the girls but I understood where Colby was coming from.

If word got out as to who's daughter I was, they would do anything to get me and weaken my dad's status.

We thought it was bad when they were after me for being Colby's girlfriend.

This was just a whole other beast.

I sat in Colby and I's room for a while before I decided to go downstairs and get something to eat.

"Hmmm...this works." I said then grabbed some of the leftover cake from the fridge and got a fork. I decided that I was going to go do some art to occupy my time.

I was forever grateful that Colby had this little room set up for me because it was a way for me to escape and let out some creativity.

I ate my cake and decided that painting would be the medium of choice for today's art session.

I usually worked with charcoal or colored pencils since that was all we could afford when I lived at home.

Having any medium to work with was a luxury I never thought I would get to have.

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