Chapter 42

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A blast goes off but not before Bucky grabs Josie shielding her from it while Steve grabs his shield Shuri made to protect Natahsa and yelena as Wanda uses her shield to protect the others.

"What the hell?" Sharon groans.

"lets go now!" Steve shouted helping people up.

"Bucky?! We're dead if we don't get out of here!" Josie coughs while shouting.

"Come on let's go Steve you got Josie Wanda and Nat Wanda take tony Peter melina and alexei I'll get Sam Sharon and yelena" everyone nods and runs as the container explodes.

"Alright wait for my signal" Bucky shouts as their being shot at so Sam and Sharon shoot back.

The shooting continues and Josie glares at sharon.

"You like living here?!" Sam shots.

"It's not terrible" Josie rolled her eyes as her Natahsa and yelena all shot at the men.

"I thought we were gonna go left!" Bucky shouted at Sam.

"You went the wrong way" Steve shakes his head.

"Stop arguing" he shouted.

"Your supposed to follow me!" Sam shouted.

"And where are we now?!!" Bucky argued.

"Will you both shut up" Josie groaned as yelena laughed.

"It's in every action movie!" Sam defended.

"Where the hell is Zemo?" Natahsa asked.

"Not sure but uh is Zemo supposed to do that?" Josie asked pointing to Zemo.

"No he's not" they all jumped as another explosion went off in front of them.

"Cool" Peter gasped.

"No not cool Peter it is 100% not cool" Josie argued.

"What the hell is he doing?" Sam asked.

Zemo started killing the men as the group watched in horror.

Bucky took everyone out of harms way so sam lead them to another container.

"Everyone in here!" Sam shouted as they all ran in.

Josie turned around to see Bucky not there and ran out to drag himsjnse.

"Get your ass in here" she told him.

Bu my turned around checking for any injuries as he and Steve threw the container open.

"You sure your ok doll?" Josie glared at him.

"Shut up" she told him.

Zemo drive around in a car.

"Surpercharged" he smirked at them.

"Your going back to jail" Sam told Zemo.

"Do you want to find karli or not?" Zemo asked.

"He's right we need him there's two of us and at least 20 of them come on" Josie rolled her eyes.

"Fine if you try that shot again" Sam points to Zemo.

"We'll that was one hell of a reunion" sharon said glancing at Josie making her think.

"Come with us to the states" Sam tells Sharon as she shakes her head.

"I told you I can't just get me that pardon you promised" sharon walks away.

"Th aka for everything" Sam tells her.

"Alexei and Melina are going back to find more info we'll meet you at the airport though" Josie nodded as she sat down.

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