Chapter 35

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6 weeks later after the death of tony stark and the resurrection of Natasha romanoff rogers Wanda ran off somewhere and created a vortex sucking Sam Bucky and Josie in. They were now in Wanda's own tv show but a universe where Vision is alive.

"there on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." Vision pointed out to Wanda. She turns to the calendar.

"Oh, yes, the heart." The camera zooms in on the heart.

"Well, don't tell me you have forgotten, Vis." Wanda tunes to vision.

"Forgotten? Oh, Wanda. I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration." He tells Wanda seriously.

"Well, then tell me what's so important about today's date." He says nothing for a moment.

"What was the question again? Oh, well, perhaps you've forgotten, yourself." Vision asks Wanda.

"Me? Heavens, no. I've been so looking forward to it."

A few walking down the stairs getting Wanda's attention.

"Ooh that must be Josie and the boys, we're in the kitchen!!" Josie Sam and Bucky walked in as Josie and Bucky were holding hands smiling.

"Hey you two how it-" Josie pauses looking at Wanda and vision.

"Are we interrupting something?" Josie asked smirking at Wanda making Sam alittle uncomfortable. Wanda and vision both had different expressions.

"No not at all"

"yes" Sam leaned into Bucky and hoping he'd say something.

"Buck you better say something"
Buck glared at Sam.

"Oh hell no I'm not doing it" Josie let out a laugh.

"James darling are you and the guys gonna be late for work" Bucky smiled.

"Right see you tonight love you" Bucky kissed Josie passionately.

The men all take their leave. Wanda and Josie both return to the calendar and stare at it for a moment. There's a knock at the front door. So Wanda goes to open the door. Agnes enters, holding a house plant.

"Oh! Hello, dearies. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't."

Agnes hands Wanda the house plant and invites herself in as Josie states at her confused.

"So, what's your names? Where are you from? And, most importantly, how's your bridge game, ladies?"

Wanda closes the door. "I'm Wanda and this is my best friend Josephine but everyone calls her josie." She extends her hand. "

Wanda and Josie. Charmed." They shake hands.

"Golly, you ladies settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?" Josie and Wanda exchange a look.

"I sure did." Wanda sets the house plant down.

"Those boxes don't move themselves." Agnes laughs.

"So, what's a couple single gals like you two doing rattling around this big house?" Wanda and Josie both laughed.

"Oh, no, I'm we're not single." Wanda quickly shut it down.

"Oh, I don't see a ring." Josie was wide eyed as Wanda was quick to speak.

"Well, I assure you were married. To a man. A human one, and tall. As a matter of fact, they'll be home later tonight for a special occasion. Just the four of us." Josie groaned.

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