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On the 27th Mrs Kim had called asking Jungkook to send Taehyung and Nayeon to her house.Mr Kim was visiting after a while and he wanted to spend time with his children and Grand children.Jin had come to pick them up.

"Your bags are already packed.You guys should be good to go"Jungkook announced

"Daddy will carry mine won't you?"

"Of course princess.That's my job"


Jungkook had personally packed for his husband and daughter.He packed everything they would need for their stay in separate  travelling bags.

Jin ,Taehyung and Nayeon had been waiting in the living room in the meanwhile.

"Isn't that two much laguage.You said we will be coming back after two days right?"Taehyung asked,his eyes wide

"I don't know.Maybe you might take longer.Who knows"

"No ways.I'm coming back on the 29th.Period.I'm not staying longer than that"

"Relax Tae no one will steal your kookie while you are away"Jin teased

"Someone might as a matter of fact"Taehyung said

"Stop being a baby Taehyung.Lead by example.You are doing the whining instead of our daughter"

"She isn't thinking about leaving you alone because she probably can't wait to see her grandfather"Jin said

"Will you be okay on your own?"Taehyung asked as he looked into his beloved's eyes.

"Im good Taehyung.Don't worry.It's not the first time I will be home alone"

"Just keep the windows and doors locked.Someone might break in here"....

"Taehyung what did I tell you?"Jungkook chuckled as he slid his hands in the back pockets of his Jeans.

"Im worried about you.This house seems crazy when you are alone.Can't you go stay with your mom in the meantime?"

"Mom went to Busan yesterday.She might even stop by Degue on her way back.I'm an adult.Remember I'm only two years younger than you"

"Jungkook this is the break you have been waiting for.Take some time out for yourself.Go and have some drinks with your friends.Forget you have two clingy individuals that demand attention"Jin said

"That's a brilliant idea hyung.Why didn't I think about it"

"Yeonie baby let's go"Taehyung said as he held his daughter's hand.

"Are you sure you packed everything Jungkook?"Jin asked

"Yeah i did"

"By everything i mean underwear?"Jin teased.

"Yeah.I just assumed that four pairs will be enough for each of them.Hyung just make sure they don't wear one pair twice.And I want them washed before they come back home"

"Don't worry.Mom will watch over them for you"

Taehyung looked away in embarrassment.Jungkook had touched his underwear after all.Didn't he even hesitate or feel disgusted at all.To him it was no big deal.And he was telling Jin to keep track of their underwear.He was an adult man with a kid.What exactly did he look like to them.Nayeon's twin brother?"

"Taehyung please remind mother in law to make my favorite dishes for me and give them to you when you come back.I haven't had her cooking in ages"


"And hyung please make sure Yeonie's dad takes his meds on time.They are in his bag"

"Sure I will see to it because my brother isn't responsible enough to take them on his own"

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