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The following day Jungkook woke up super early.He was hosting both his family and Taehyung's so he had to get busy in the kitchen.Taehyung also got up early and lent him a hand .

Everyone else arrived on time except for Jimin ,Yoongi and their son.The omega's second pregnancy had been giving him a hard time lately.The family then arrived a little after lunch because they didn't want Jungkook to feel bad by not honoring his invitation.

Jungkook wanted to die out of embarrassement when his mom started telling Taehyung  all about his ordeal with labour.She mentioned how much he screamed  that day and curse Taehyung all the way to the hospital.

Currently Mrs Jeon,Jungkook,Taehyung and Nayeon were sitting at the balcony on the second floor.The rest of the Kims and the Min's were on the first floor.

"Don't you dare laugh about this Taehyung.I had to do all the hard work when all you had to do is provide a sperm.Is that even  fair?"

"Jungkook ,that's not his fault.It's biology"

"Mom that's so mean of you.How could you tell him about that.Wasn't it supposed to be our secret.You know how embarrassing that moment was for me"

"You will get over it"Taehyung said and got glared at.

Mrs Jeon smiled and grabbed her hand bag from the couch."Taehyung my son I got something for you"

She then took out Jungkook's childhood photo album and handed it over to him.

"Mom"Jungkook exclamied furiously."How could you?That's so personal.I can't believe you"

"Sorry baby but he is your husband remember"

"What's the point.Am I really your son.Am I a source of amusement?You want your son in law to laugh at my expense"

"Oh come on kookie.What's the harm in it.We are all just having fun aren't we?"

"Taehyung don't kookie me.If you go through that album I'm leaving you.Like for good"

Taehyung turned to his mother in law"Mother in law"

"Don't worry.He doesn't mean it.I know my son"

"Are you still going to take the risk?"Jungkook glared at his husband fiercely

"But Yeonie wants to look at it too"Taehyung said

"You know what.Just do as you please.I'm going"

"Daddy I wanna see baby Kookoo"Nayeon said cheerfully

"I was ugly"Jungkook cried.He didn't want to be there when they laugh about his photos.

"Stop lying kookie.You were never ugly.Why do you always keep selling yourself short.Have some confidence in yourself"

"Mom you don't get to lecture me after betraying me like you did"

"Mommy you were pretty"Nayeon beamed  at the omega.

"Really baby"


"You can at least believe your daughter right"

"Thank you baby"

Taehyung came downstairs after half an hour.

"It's good you are here,Taehyung.I have to introduce you to some people"


"Remember Yoongi hyung.My cousin.The one i have talked to you about "

"Oh I remember.Nice to meet you"

Yoongi shook the younger alpha's hand and squeezed it too hard.He leaned over his shoulder and whispered"I think it's a good thing that you don't remember me .Count yourself lucky"

Blue(Taekook omegaverse)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang