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Ayanokouji POV

I walked along the glass hallways that U created for us to look at different views(A/N: Imagine the glass hallways of aquariums if y'ever visited one.It look like those.) And I couldn't help but be impressed, this guy seriously is a god. You could customize the view you're seeing by will. if you made contact with someone you could see the view they chose to see. In short, U shouldn't be underestimated.

Right now I was standing at the edge of the hallway all alone, staring into the endless void of space. It was simply breathtaking, I could see so many stars. some closer and some further away, I could see the milky way. Who thought I'd ever get to see such views? This what I call 'freedom'.

???:"It truly is pretty isn't it?" I immediately turned around with my guard up to the max. I'm not sure how much I dosed off but I was wary enough to sense somebody's presence if they were close enough to whisper in my ear. I turned around ready to strike whatever was behind me, but when I understood who it was I stopped my punch centimeters away from their face.

U:"Chill out tiger, I'm here to tell you that we're about to continue." It was U, the self-proclaimed god with enough proof that I won't think he's just a narcissist with god complex. He was a total mystery to me. What were his motives? Why did he bring us here? What is his real name? How was he created? But right now I have some other question that bothers me.

Me:"Why did you come here personally to get me? You are more than capable enough to just teleport me back."

U:"You're 100% correct. However, I feel like there is something you would like to ask me."

Me:"You're also correct. The videos already revealed more than I'd like to about the White Room. How much more are they going to reveal?"

U smirked but his voice wasn't amused at all. It was emotionless and monotone:"It's going to reveal everything about your past, EVERY. LITTLE. DETAIL. However. when the time is right, I'll offer you a deal; if you choose to accept it then they'll know everything, but you'll get something you can only dream about, even better than your precious freedom. But if you decline it. you and everyone else here will be sent back and forget evrything that happened here."


U:"I don't want your answer now, I said when the time is right. Right now let's return to the auditorum, shall we?"

I pondered what he said in my head until the video started.

???:"I think you should definitely take him up on his offer." I sighed internally. I'm offically starting to go crazy.

This seems to start to feel like a routine now. I woke up as I looked at my surroundings. I was in my room once again. It was the beginning of the loop again. I heard Subaru screaming yet again, however, this was much more traumatic then merely dieing in one's sleep. He was killed this time by a killer only I know the identity of right now. However, there's no rush to eliminate her now. What I am more interested in are the motives. It also looked like she was targeting me as well. Although I was protecting Subaru, those eyes weren't normal.

Even after the break people still looked a little shaky when reminded of the incident last video.

They were eyes of pure anger towards something. However, I don't believe it was towards Subaru himself. If that was the case, he would have died on their very first interaction.

No, rather than hating and trying to kill Subaru, she rather wanted to eliminate something she saw as a threat to the people around her.

Manabu:"Great deduction Ayanokouji, do you have any idea what they deemed as a threat?"

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