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Ayanokouji POV

 After last video left us in yet another cliffhanger all of us were fired up and eager to watch the next one. U, a man who understood the desires of the people just started the video without saying anything.

Our greatest asset in this fight would be Emilia, as she has magic and fights with the spirit Puck. In order to ensure this loop would succeed, Subaru will need to stay back. Felt and Rom will be around him in the event he is attacked.

Two prime targets will slow her down at the very least.

The tension was so thick you could cut with a knife. The audience braced themselves for the gruesome fight that's about to go down.

Emilia created icicles that levitated of the ground, as she launched them towards Elsa, but she calmly avoided them as she continued to close the distance between her and Emilia.

I shouldn't step in right now.

Ichinose:"I won't ask you why aren't you stepping in since you p-robably have some grand plan that will save all of you there."

Me:"Probably, but currently I'm not stepping in probably because I want to assess Emilia's capabilities."

Amikura:"But like... You won't let her die? or seriously injur herself, right?

Me:"I don't see any merit in letting her hurt herself, I'll probably have more to gain by saving her." Even though I made it clear I wouldn't let Emilia die or hurt herself they still looked unsatisfied by my answer. Oh well, not my problem. 

I need to see Emilia's power as well as her spirit. It was also important to see more of Elsa's full power for better optimal observation. While she was casting magic, she was uttering words that were in a different language altogether. Well that was to be expected. This wasn't Japan or Earth for that matter. The language spoken here must be completely different.

Then again, I was able to speak fine with everyone in this world. It could be that we were isekaied here with the ability to speak their language without actually learning it.

As for the fight, Emilia was doing well. She was making sure Elsa didn't close the gap, as Elsa was a close-quarters fighter rather than one specializing in long distance warfare.

Skayanagi:"She's actually doing better than I originally expected."

Ryuuen:"Yeah, I thought she looked too gentle to actually put up a good fight."

Me:"I already said it before: Don't judge a book by it's cover."

Kushida:*Innocent whitsle intensifies*

Elsa: Interesting magic, Little one. I wouldn't expect anything less of a royal candidate.

Royalty? This changes everything. This isn't just for the sake of Subaru now. We can actually be compensated for saving a royal candidate and returning their pendant.

Me:"See Ichinose? I knew there were positives to saving her. Now there is no way I'll let her die."

Ichinose still looked dissatisfied... Oh, she probably hate the fact that I wouldn't have saved her if it wasn't beneficial to me. Well, I didn't expect anything less from Ichinose.

I did have my suspicions. When I looked at the pendant in a previous loop, I saw a royal insignia on it, which meant it was bestowed to her in the royal district. It also means this pendant must be important for her participation in its selections.

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