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Ayanokouji's POV

U:"Let's start."

I opened my eyes to a bright morning as I was standing in front of the twoguards I took out. I held the money bag I got from the vendor as I also had the sword I took hilted on my belt. I looked at myself and realized that it wasstill morning. It didn't make sense.


Me:"I knew it!"

Kei:"Got, you were right and evveryone who said otherwise is an idiot and doesn't deserve human rights."

Me:"I wouldn't say that..."can she read my mind?

(A/N:Narssistic Kiyo? Someone? )

I tried to find an explanation for what happened, but it reached nowherequickly. I realized something I was overlooking: everything reset when that manbled out. He must have something to do with this. I need to find him. However, the problem was I had no idea where he would even show up. The only indication was the shack, or maybe the alley. After all, that white-haired woman was there as well which meant she must have went to save the man from those 3 thugs later today. It was a stretch but so was everything else that was happening. I decided on going to the shack, however. Knowing his death, I'd assume he would come there in the morning in order to try to fix something per se....I ran while parkouring around houses, trying to reach the shack as quicklyas possible.

Ryuuen:*kuku* "Very immpresive Ayanokouji, I didn't know you could parkour."

Me:"It's really nothing special, with enough training anyone can do i-"

Kei:"Oh my god, Just take the compliment and shut up!"

As I was making my way there, I also came upon a revelation as well: he could also be like me, a man from another world. I believe that if I can talk to this man, I will get all of the information I need. It took some time but I finally arrived, jumping off a roof and landing on the ground.

Sudo:"That's a pretty high jump, it's kinda imppresive how you are totally ok."


"Oh shit!"

"Hope you'll die you psycho!"

Right behind me, a knife was pointed right at my neck. I swiftly grabbed its handle as I Iooked at my attacker.

Yagami:'As expected of him'

Huh, she looked familiar. I pondered about it and realized she was the woman that was evicerated along with the Old Man and the other two.

The audience got chills down their spines as they remembered the horrific scene

Me: I'm not your enemy.

???: How do I know that?!!

Me: Why would I climb towards you when I could simply have flanked you out? I am here for a different purpose. I made her lower her knife.

Man: Hey it's you!

Well, this is incredibly convinient, I didn't even need to work too hard to find him

I looked to my right as I saw the man I needed to talk to sitting on the steps outside of the door leading into the shack.

Man: You're Felt!

Felt: How do you know my name?!He then saw me as he suddenly got an intense headache as he was sprawlingaround the ground.

Ichinose:"Is he ok? He looks like he is in pain."

COTE REACTS! ReZero: The Mastermind and the Simp(HIATUS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora