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Ayanokouji POV

Even though U just recently shut them up, they continued demanding loudly for the sister's death. I can't know exactly what my end goal is, but I know for a fact that they'll get what they asked for.

I launched the dozens of projectiles right towards both sisters. Rem blocked the majority of them using her mace and chain, while Ram slashed them apart using fura.

I dashed forward with the remaining fire projectiles as I launched them all towards Rem as she created ice shards which countered it, causing multiple impacts, breaking down a few trees.

However, I was right in front of her now. My two blades met her eyes with but an inch of space as Ram launched fura again as I ignited my two blades with goa, slicing apart her spell.

"Oh man!"

"You were so close!"

I don't understand why are they in such a hurry, this fight only started. 

Ram: Don't think we're easy just because we're mere servants.

Me: I'm not the kind of person to underestimate my foes, so don't worry.

Nagumo:"Like hell you don't underestimate people, you underestimate me so much you think you can beat me."



Me:"I think you still got blood on your nose, you should go get it cleaned." Nagumo just clicked his tongue and d\averted his gaze from me. I could hear some snickers, which means that somehow the fact that the me on the screen is fighting the sisters seriously improved my image. This so weird.

I went in with my ignited swords as Ram kept firing fura while I engaged with Rem in close combat.

Every time I met REM's mace, sparks flickered in the night as I pushed it away with my parry.

The audience looked at the breathtaking fight in front of them, the bright lights were enchanting, they could only watch in silent amazemant as the fight slowly intensified.

Ram came from the sky and tried to take my head off using an air slash, but I dodged and grabbed her arm, throwing her towards Rem, who caught her.

More cheers, but this time it was understandable, it was incredibly close to being my death.

I flickered off my swords as I put them in their sheaths.

Me: El Goa

Fire exploded from my hands as it went towards the two sisters.

Ram: El Fura

However, it was counteracted with Ram's spell, canceling the entire impact.

Me: Incredible velocity.

The two sisters came forward and entered my combat range.

Rem: You will tell us everything you know!

As they came closer, I extended my hands out and planted my feet correctly. I was going to blow them away.

I could see from the side of my eye Kei cheecks were all puffed up.

Me:"Kei, I know this might be very intense but you should-"

Andrew Tate:"Breath! Air!"(A/N:LMAO sorry, it was an impulse purchased with a five finger discount, I just couldn't resist the urge. Sorry if I triggered someone, I wanted to state that I don't know a whole lot about this guy, I just watched some funny vids on TikTok and decided to join the party. Just treat it as the chapterly line u should  ignore.)

COTE REACTS! ReZero: The Mastermind and the Simp(HIATUS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang