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Ayanokouji's POV

All what happened until now was very confusing to say the least. But it looks like U, the self proclaimed god, will finally start with showing us whatever he wanted to show us.

Me:"Hmm... I got a bad feeling about this...." I muttered

Kei:" What is it Kiyo?" Asked Kei

Me:" Oh nothing, I just talked to myself." I replied

Kei bonked me on the head and said:" You gotta stop talking to yourself, if you won't, I'll make sure to get you some 'help'."

Me:" That won't be necessary, I am sane, I just like to talk to myself from time to time. Anyways, I need you to ask U something for me..."

Kei:" Hmm, I see I'll ask him now."

Kei:" Umm... U-sama, what exactly we are going to watch?"

U:" You are going to watch someone's adventure in another universe, I watched it a couple of times already and I promise you, it's going to be a blast."

Kei:" Ok, sounds like fu~"

U:"Great so with no further adieu. LET THE REACTIONS BEGIN!"

and so the screen brightened up all of a sudden.

Everything went according toplan.



"Who is talking?"

Ichinose:"Isn't that Ayanokuji-kun's voice?"

Horikita looked in my direction with a worried look on her face, but she wasn't the only one worried, because it doesn't take a genius to discover that it'll be bad if they know I am the mastermind behind all of our success.

I saw Ryuuen and Sakayanagy smirking towards me.

Me:"Those smug annoying pieces of sh~" But author-san decided to stop him here so as to not make him too OOC

Class D topped the rankings inthe island exam at around 225 points as I gave all the credit to Horikita.


A bomb shell just dropped on everyone.

The theater was compeletly silent


Sudo:" Oi oi, you are kidding me..."

Ryuuen:*whispers*"How are you going to deal with that monster? Kukuku"

Nagumo:" So you were the one behind the miracle? Now I can see why Horikita-senpai took an interest in you, but this feat is definitely not enough to impress me"

As all the students in the theater(except the 1st years who had no Idea what's going on) started questioning me and Horikita, I just stayed silent while Horikita tried to calm our classmates down.

Horikita:"Everyone calm down, I promise you that once we are out of here I'll explain everything"

After saying that she sat back down and started ignoring our classmates. Our classmates, who were not happy with the situation, sat back down in their sits with an unsatasfied look on their face.

She, of course, did not likethis and wanted me to explain myself to which I agreed. I didn't tell her mytrue intentions. Of course, I was honest in saying she needed friends. Youcan't win in this S System by yourself. However, when she said she would acceptme as a friend, I couldn't help but sigh internally as she was far from thetruth.

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