🗿Marble Zone - Act 1🗿

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I made it to the next world, the Marble Zone where there was this ancient ruins and somehow lava somewhere. Note that ruins are pretty old, but not forgotten.

I got to the rhythm of the music as I start walking, grabbing some of the rings that I collect. There are platforms moving in a horizontal position, going up and down. Normally this ruins were like rare with many secrets ahead, some have traps and dangers ahead. But what can I say, this kind of adventuring made me feel ready for anything.

I jump over floating platforms where lava moves them. There was a secret around here somewhere, so I duck below, holding my headphones, curling up into a ball and then sprint inside the secret room with rings that have ten in each and one of them.

Vector: This ruins reminds me of something.

I exit the secret room and continue my adventure, hopping over platforms that sink in the lava where I stand, but when I jump, the platforms stop sinking and rise back to their normal position. I grab a shield for protection before looking up at the wall that I might use something that no one can ever do.

I jump on the wall and begin climbing up to the top of the ruins, giving me an higher ground to look around. I start running in a rhythm beat as I got close to the edge, then I jump up and sprint ahead throughout the level, landing my feet on the grassy ground. I saw a giant ring at the end of the goal.

I start running fast, heading to the goal with the speed of light and then passing it to turn the Eggman pole to my pole. Then I grab the giant ring as I head inside.

Vector has passed Act 1!

Vector the Crocodile in Sonic the HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now