I would (A justin Bieber fanfiction)

Start from the beginning

"If I could take away the pain and put smile on your face baby I would baby i would if i could make a better way so you could see a better day baby I would baby I would."he sang and then it hit me. I started shaking my head and I pulled away from him.

"Are you Justin Bieber?" I asked. He nodded and my face broke out in a smile.

"How?" I asked.

"Why don't we go inside. And then we can get everything straightened out." He said. We walked into his mansion and Justin Bieber got me a glass of water. We sat down on one of his leather couches. I was so confused on how this all happened and was more than convinced that this was dream.

"Uhh...." I said.

"You don't have to tell me. But I want to help you that's why I brought you to my house. I was escaping a mob of fans and I was taking a short cut to my Decoy car. That's why you had to be quiet. I would have told you right away but I wasn't quite sure how you would react."

"Oh thank you," I said

"Are okay? As I said before you don't have to tell me but I want to help you. " he said. I started to blow him off with the usually I'm fine thanking for asking, but something made me tell him everything.

"You've been through a lot. But I'm going to make sure it gets better." Justin said.

"Why?" I asked. It didn't make sense. Why would he want to help?

"Because, I don't want to live my life knowing that I could have helped you but didn't." He said.

"Ok but if your way of helping me is sending me back to my mom. You can't! I cannot go back." I explained.

"I'm not gonna send you back. But how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm seventeen and I'm turning eighteen in exactly two weeks." He nodded and then decided that I could spend the night at his house. He showed me his guest bedroom, that was the square footage of my house. I took a shower and then changed into fresh pair of clothes. Then i collapsed onto my the bed and fell asleep.

I yawned and then realized I was in Justin Biebers house. I jumped out of bed and ran over to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then decided that since I was in Justin Biebers house I was gonna take a shower. When I finished getting ready. I ran downstairs and then saw that it was 7:30. Knowing Justin from interviews and movies he hated getting up early. To thank him for letting me stay I made breakfast. I made pancakes and scrambled eggs. I set the table and waited for him to come down at 8:30. Within a couple minutes he was down.

"You made breakfast!" He said smiling at the pancakes. We sat down and dug in.

"I'm not an early riser usually. So if you want you can watch tv while I'm sleeping. I have a pool too."

"Ok thanks." I replied.

"I have to go now for an interview and recording stuff. Uh don't go outside or anything. You can't tell anyone that your here. The paparazzi will go crazy. Maybe once you eighteen." He said. He left and then I watched tv. I was sooo bored. I walked around the house until I found the pool. I dipped my feet in and then decided that when Justin was back I would tell him that I didn't have a swimsuit. I got up and made my way back to the living room when I saw the one and only Selena Gomez. I calmly walked up her holding myself back from freaking out and screaming at how excited I was. If I could do it for Justin I could do it for Selena.

"Uh, hi!" I said.

"You must be Kate!" She said.

"Yah, that's me."

"Justin felt bad for leaving you here alone so he called me to give you some company. Also if you wanted you could stay with me. I just finished my movie spring breakers so I have a lot of down time." She said.

"You mean stay with you!" I asked.

"Yah," she said. And then i started to freak out.

'Yes! OMG this is sooo cool. You are my idol! Like seriously! I have always dreamed of meeting you!" I squealed as i jumped around like a little girl.

"Thank you, So do you wanna go shopping?" Selena asked.

"Umm.. Justin said i could'nt go outside...." I explained.

"Oh, he's worried about paparazzi! Make's sense, wanna play a board game?" Selena asked walking up the stairs.

"Sure, where are you going?" I asked.

"Justin's room, that's where he keeps all his board games." Selena replied.

"Oh, do you come here often?" I asked.

"I know what you're thinking." Selena said as we walked into Justin's room. "And no, were not dating! I don't blame you for thinking that. I mean with everything people have been saying in magazines and stuff."

'Sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"Relax, it's totally OK. The reason why i know where stuff in his house is, is because when we were little we hung out a lot. It's hard to make real friends when your in the business."

"Oh, "

"Haha! You say Oh a lot."

"Oh, I mean Sorry."

"Haha! And come to think of it, you apologize way too often. Listen just pretend i'm a normal person."

"I know, it's just I have dreamed by whole life of meeting you! This is a dream come true every minute i have to pinch myself to see if this real. I'm just so thankful for all of this!" I explained as selena rummaged through Justin's closet. She turned around and started talking.

"Kate, you don't have to apologize anymore trust me I wouldn't be doing this if i didn't want to."

"Thank you for the last time." i replied. Selena smiled and then we agreed to play monopoly.


Thanks so much for reading! I update every Wednesday and as much as I can on weekends! I'm not gonna abandon this story so if I don't update on Wednesday or a weekend that probably means I have a huge test coming up and I'm studying! Thanks so much I love you all! ❤

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