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It's been a few days since we brought the girls home, I promised Andrew a job because he wanted to stay close to them so he'll be working as our driver. He'll start working when they start going to school, and that's in a couple of months. He'll be living in a house with his other kids, he told me he only had boys while Lili and Harper were adopted.

We haven't told anyone about Harper and Lili until we sign the adoption papers and that was yesterday. So we were planning on doing so tonight at dinner since we've invited everyone.

I knocked on the bathroom door and found Zora sitting in the bathtub with both of them. They were giggling and playing with bubbles.

"C'mon, wash up so we can dress. It's almost dinner time" I said while leaning on the doorframe. Harper rolled her eyes amusingly.

"You're no fun" she mumbled making the other two giggle, I shook my head and waited for Zora to wash all the soap over them and I wrapped Lili in a towel first and picked her up taking her to the room. Then went back and wrapped Harper in a towel as well and sat her next to Lili. They just smiled at me and wiggled their feet as they hugged their towels.

"So girls listen, tonight my parents and Zora's parents our coming for dinner. Your grandparents, they don't know you're here okay. So we're going to surprise them"

"Okay mommy!" Lili yelled excited, making my eyes go wide I sat on the floor not knowing what to say. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I knew it was Zora so I just smiled and kissed her hand. I actually never thought I'd be someone's parent, not now, maybe when we're older mid thirties perhaps. The thing is I never thought it'll make me this happy.

"C'mon let's get you dressed" Zora said drying Harper and helped her dress in white dress and then dried Lili and dressed her in a blue dress. When they were done getting ready I picked up Lili and held Harper's hand and we left the room to let Zora change.

"Everyone is going to be in the backyard right girls, we'll wait here until Zora says we could come out. Okay?" They nodded and giggled, they probably find this so exciting like some spy movie or something.

We heard the doorbell ring and I made a shush gesture and they put their hands over their mouths to stop themselves from giggling. We heard voices talking to Zora, she guided them to the backyard as we hid in the kitchen.

"Okay are you ready?" I asked and they jumped in their places excitedly, I picked Lili up and held Harper's hand and made my way to the backyard. Everyone was chatting and talking, I could tell the girls were getting very nervous because Harper squeezed my hand and Lili hid her face in my neck.

"No way!" Jessy gasped which made everyone sitting around the table turn to look at me. My parents, Zora's parents and Niko. Their eyes widened and my momma squealed and got up running to me. She pushed her red hair behind her ear and bent to Harper's level.

"Who's this beautiful lady" she said smiling, Harper hid behind my leg then looked up at me to see if it was safe. I nodded reassuring her and she smiled letting go of my hand, my momma picked her up and hugged her tight.

"What is the meaning of this?" My mom asked walking towards me, she had her black hair in a bun while she stared at me confused. Lili turned to look at her and she completely forgotten about being mad, upset or confused she awned and took her from my arms.

"Oh you're such a pretty girl" she cooed, we walked back to the table and I smiled at everyone.

"Guys, this is Harper..." I pointed at my daughter who was trying to climb on Dawn's lap.

"And this Lili" I pointed to my other daughter who was pinching my mom's face and giggling.

"Our two daughters" I said pulling Zora close to my side, she leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed in satisfaction. Leo was looking suspiciously at me again and I was getting creeped out, he finally smiled and hugged my leg out of the blue then started running after the dog. What the fuck? Is he okay?

When everyone got to hug and introduce themselves to our kids, we sat around the table and I cleared my throat so I can explain what has happened in the past week.

"I was at Zora's office the other day, and I met an old friend from college. Nessa. You remember her momma.." I started taking a sip of my drink, she nodded and asked me to continue.

"She said she had my baby, she gave me DNA tests that Harper belonged to me. When we went to get her, she was with Lili and I couldn't just separate them. Their adoptive father is a nice guy, I've already looked through is files and background he had nothing shady. I offered him a job and a place to stay with his three boys" I explained the whole story, I felt a hand on my leg and I turned to look at Lili. I smiled at her and pulled her on my lap.

"So, they are the new additions to our family." Zora said holding my hand, everyone was smiling at us happy. It was sudden for all of us but it was for the best.

Harper was still smiling at Dawn who looked very happy to hold her while Maze was trying to feed her. I guess she got into the grandma character already.

"How old are you?" My mom asked Lili, my kid started counting her fingers and showed four but quickly dropped her pointy finger and smiled proudly.

"Three" She said to my mom, everyone awed at their interaction.

"So how many more do you think of adding?" Niko asked with a smirk, I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, since I'm not the one giving birth I don't have a say in this. It's Zora's choice" Niko smiled at me and nodded, we spent the rest of the day talking about plans we had and mostly just enjoying ourselves with our family.

I could say I wasn't expecting myself to have kids so soon, but I wasn't complaining now that I have them. I just know me and Zora will take great care of them and love them.

"C'mon mommy, let's go play" Harper said pulling me by the hand, I followed after her and she asked me to sit. She put a blindfold over my eyes and giggled.

"Me, Lili and Leo are gonna hide and you'll have to find us. Okay mommy?" She said making sure the blindfold was perfectly tied around my head. I nodded and they all started counting to ten.

"8...9...10...Run!" She yelled and they all giggled and laughed while I tried to catch them blindfolded.

I was happy with what I have...and I won't change it for anything.


This is the end of our may take your seatbelts off. Some of you have lost shoes and braincells along the rollercoaster's ride but we all made it to the end.

I hope you enjoyed this book and I apologize for giving multiple anxiety and heart attacks. (I'm not really sorry...)


and see you in the next book.


The Conflict (gxg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora