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Harvey and I we sitting in my office that was in my house as the lawyer pulled out some papers. We've called our family lawyer to see what she can do about this, and explain to us more.

Harvey was being so impulsive she was willing to go to where the kid lived and just take her from the family. I stopped her and told her we should speak with a lawyer first and then we could go see her.

"Those adoption papers are very old and there aren't any others so I'm guessing she's been with one family for the last few years" the lawyer explain reading the papers Vanessa gave us yesterday.

"You can go to the address here but don't take the kid with you forcefully. I know you want to but you can't" The lawyer pointed at Harvey in a scolding manner. Harvey just sighed and nodded her head in agreement.

"And, if you find the kid in a very bad environment don't take her as well..." The lawyer stood grabbing her stuff,

"You call me, and we call  child services than you sign papers confirming you're the real father of the kid." She walked closer to Harvey patting her shoulder, the older woman just smiled at the both of us with a sad smile.

"If the kid loves her adoptive family you aren't allowed to take her with you, until she decides what she wants or what she doesn't want. And that's when she turns legal" she said with a long sigh, I stood up and went next to them. I shook the lawyer's hand and walked her to the door.

"Why can't I just take her?" Harvey asked frowning like a kid, I chuckeld and went to sit next to her putting her hand in mine.

"When you can't get what you want illegally you're upset" I joked and that only made her glare at me, I rolled my eyes at her because I wasn't scared of her or her cute glares.

"C'mon let's go see where she lives and maybe talk to the parents?" I said pulling her off of the couch, she smiled grabbing her keys and we left the house, we put the address on the phone and we followed the gps to the location.

You see this city was divided into four parts, north was the rich neighborhoods, south was the poor ones, while west and east were for middle class because there were so many.

We found ourselves in the south part of the city, people were sleeping in small houses and some were homeless sheltered under tents or porches. I felt uneasy because we were driving in a huge SUV looking like fuckin cops. That's the last thing I wanna look like.

We reached the destination, it was a small white house almost at the very end of the neighborhood. Harvey got out and I followed after her, she knocked on the door and we waited.

We could hear yelling from inside the place and I could tell Harvey was getting inpatient. A few minutes later the door opened for us.

We looked down at the five year old girl with black hair and beautiful blue eyes staring at us. She was pale and a bit skinny for her age, but she was very cute with her messy hair.

"What do you want?" She asked with an attitude, I stared at her amused as she chewed on her gum.

"I guess you're deaf and mute" she said rolling her eyes, she was about to shut the door when I put my hand to stop it. I could tell Harvey was deep in her thoughts while still staring at the kid.

"Hello there, my name is Zora. Are your parents home?" I asked politely while squatting to her level, she sighed and walked back inside the house. A few seconds later, a man with a belly as big as Santa's walked to the door. He was wearing a white shirt with stains on it, he leaned on the door frame with an annoyed face.

"Can I help you?" He said looking at Harvey, I nudged her on the side and she blinked a couple of times before clearing her throat.

"Hello, I'm here to see Harper. I'm her biological parent" she said in all seriousness while also trying not to sound mean or demanding. He stepped out of the way and we walked inside the house, it smelled like nasty clothes and unwashed dishes.

We found three kids between the ages of 7 and 11 running around the place hitting each other and yelling at each other. While Harper was sitting next to this little girl, Harper was hugging her in comfort and closing her ears with her hands while the other kids yelled at each other.

"My name is Andrew, my wife died two years ago and I lost my job and all my money that's why we had to live here" he said with a long sigh, he looked exhausted trying to raise five kids by himself.

He clapped his hands and they all went quiet, the little girl that was leaning against Harper finally opened her eye and I noticed they were a different color. I smiled at the both of them softly and the younger girl smiling with a toothless smile, I think she might be the same age as Leo.

"Mr Andrew, we didn't know that Harper existed until yesterday and we were so worried. We were hoping to take her home with us, legally of course." I said with a hopeful smile, Harper seemed to be interested in the conversation so she got off the couch and walked to us.

"Why me?" She asked curiously, I looked at Harvey for a second and she was staring at the kid. I sighed about to speak when she beat me to it.

"Because you're my daughter" Harvey said in soft voice, Harper raised her brows at her and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Prove it" the kid said with an attitude, Harvey folded her arms in disbelief.

"I ain't proving shit" Harvey said back with an attitude, Harper stared at her amused and burts out laughing making me smile. After she finished laughing she gave Harvey her hand to shake.

"My name is Harper, and I'm five years old." Harvey smiled softly at her and shook her hand.

"I'm Harvey" she said, I looked behind Harper and the little girl was staring curiously at us. I guess Harper noticed where I was staring and she went to the little girl's side and pulled her towards us.

"This is Lili, my sister and she's three" Lili started counting with her fingers and showed us four making Harper giggle and help her show the correct amount of fingers.

"Andrew, what was your previous job?" Harvey asked out of the blue, Harper was hugging Andrew's leg while talking to Lili.

"I was a bus driver why?" He replied with a question, she smiled and nodded her head. She mentioned for him to follow after her and he did leaving me with all the kids. The other three kids were three boys, they waved at me and then went back to fighting.

"I guess we have a deal then" Harvey said shaking Andrew's hand as they walked back inside the house. He smiled widely and patted Harper's head.

"Harper and Lili go get your stuff you're leaving with Ms Castillo. Me and the boys we're moving out to a bigger house!" He said enthusiastically, all the kids ran to him hugging him so tight. I smiled at the scene and sighed in relief.

After the girls got their stuff, Lili ran to me and held my hand while Harper asked Harvey to pick her up. We went to the car and we buckled them up then we made our way to our house with two lovely girls added to our family.

Next update may be last chapter 😭

I'm soo saaaddddd


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