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I gave Harvey my purse to hold so I can go back inside the house to find my wallet. I think I've put it somewhere in her room when I was dressing.

I walked all the way upstairs huffing and puffing with each step I took. I hate searching for shit, I would love it if I walk in the room and my wallet is sitting on the bed waiting for me.

But of course I'm not that lucky, I pushed the bedroom door open and groaned at the pile of clothes all over the floor. I shouldve listened to Harvey when she told me not to snatch everything out of the closet.

I searched on the bed, on the nightstand then searched the clothes scattered on the ground. I was trying to focus on finding my wallet but a ticking sound was making me so irritated, I tried to ignore it but it was only making me lose focus.

I followed the ticking sound trying to figure out where it's coming from until I reached Harvey's blazer. The one she was wearing this morning when she went to work.

I picked up the blazer searching its pockets until I felt something, I pulled out the rectangular object and stared at it confused. Why does she have a four inch rectangular object that's making a ticking sound in her pocket. And why didn't we hear it earlier?

Maybe it just started? I turned it around and my eyes widened, there was a timer on the other side that has already reached the last five seconds. I let go of the bomb and run for the door but it blew mid air burning the back of my right leg.

I fell on the ground staring at my leg in horror, I screamed in agony at the huge burn marks, my skin was so red and you could see the disfigurement caused by the explosion.

I was leaning next to the door and watched as the flames ate anything that stood in their way. The sheets, the curtains and all the clothes on the floor.

I tried to move but I couldn't my leg was literally burned and if I moved an inch it stung. I cried out feeling the tears slide down my cheeks, the smoke was getting worse and I was breathing it all in.

I coughed and hid my face in my inner elbow to  cover it from the fire and the smoke. Even though it wasn't helping with inhaling the smoke at all. I wasn't able to do anything, the roof was starting to fall apart and I had no hope of moving.

Just as my eyes were starting to close from exhaustion and inhaling too much carbon dioxide, the door busted open revealing Harvey.  She was covering her face with her blazer, she looked down at me worried and took off the blazer putting it over my head and body.

She put her arm under my legs picking me up she touched the fresh burns and I let out a loud scream I held on her shirt for dear life while breathing heavily. I lead my head on her shoulder and hide my face while she made her way through the flames.

"I'm sorry darling..." She whispered kissing my head, she tried her best to avoid everything that was falling down. She was checking on me every second to see if I passed out or not. My head was starting to get dizzy and I wasn't able to keep my eyes open anymore.


"Zora stay with me please" I said out loud, we were close to the exit.

"C'mon darling, wake up. We're almost out" I said once again while looking down at her. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving, I ran out the door before the house collapsed on the both of us.

People were gathered in front of us staring in horror and panic, I went to a safe stop away from the house and laid Zora on the grass. She's inhaled too much smoke, I closed her nose and opened her mouth. I started blowing air between her lips.

"C'mon darling..." I whispered, I felt a hand on my shoulder and a firefighter was standing next to me. His two other colleagues put the folding bed next to Zora and gently laid her there while the third one put an oxygen mask over her mouth.

"Are you injured?" I shook my head no and followed after them to the ambulance, I got in as well holding Zora's hand. I've never been this scared of losing someone in my life. I need her to wake up to tell what exactly happened? Was it an accident or on purpose?

I kissed on her knuckles and playing with her fingers, I put the oxygen mask on then put my hand in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I didn't have her parents' numbers but I had Jessy's.

"Hello Scar!" She said enthusiastically, I sighed taking off the oxygen mask.

"We're going to the hospital" I said,

"What?" I could hear the panic in her voice, she was shuffling around in the background and voices were asking her what was wrong. I'm guessing she's already at Zora's house.

I asked the man what hospital where we were heading and he told me, I informed Zora and she told me they'll be there.

When we reached the hospital, they rushed her inside while a nurse asked me to follow her so she can check if something was wrong with me. I only had some small burn marks and scratches, I was still breathing in the oxygen mask.

"Harvey!" Jess called running towards me, Mrs Addams, Niko and another woman who I'm guessing is Zora's other mom were also rushing to me.

"What happened?!" Dawn asked, I pulled the mask away so I can speak.

"I have no idea, she said she was going to grab her wallet. She was taking forever..." I took a deep breath and continued.

"...a minute later I heard an explosion and the house caught on fire so I ran inside to find her" I explained, Jess wrapped her arms around me crying and I patted her back to comfort her.

Dawn was hugging the other woman while Niko was leaning on the wall with a worried look, a nurse came to us and asked if we were Zora's family.

"The miss is alright, but unfortunately her leg tissue is damaged due to the fire. It's going to scar but she's going to be okay" she explained, I let out a sigh of relief, I was just glad she was okay. I couldn't imagine... I didn't want to imagine what would happen if she died.

I felt a hand on my cheek, Zora's other mom wiped the tears that I didn't know were falling. She gave me a weak and sad smile then patted my shoulder as if she was thanking me for saving her daughter.

And I was thinking, I wouldn't have came out of that house unless Zora was with me. That was the only thought running through my head when I ran inside the burning mansion.

"Thank you" she whispered, she cried out and went to hug Dawn who looked worried sick. She looked at me for a brief second and nodded her head. All I wanted right now was to talk to Zora so she can tell me what has actually happened.

I mean at least she's not dead lol


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