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The next morning I woke up to go to work, Harvey was whining like a kid saying I'm the boss and I shouldn't go because I have people working for me doing the job. I told her I wasn't the boss yet and I still had to go because I have to be a good example for my workers.

After she body slammed on the bed like we were on a WWE show for about 10 minutes, and then her just laying on my body to keep me in place, I escaped and made my way to my house to change and then went to work. Thankfully this time, I was there on time.

I was sitting in my office when I heard yelling and arguing outside. I stood up to go check who the hell is throwing a fuss but the door just slammed open startling me.

"Zora! Let me explain!" Stacey said loudly, I gave her a confused look. Why was she here? She was literally the last person I want to see right now.

"I'm so sorry Ms Addams, I tried to stop her" my mom's assistant said apologizing, I sighed and asked her to give us a moment. Stacey fixed her shirt and hair quickly letting out a deep breath.

She took a step forward towards me and I put my hand in front of her to stop her from coming any closer.

"What, you're not going to give your gf a hug?" She said with a chuckle, I raised my brow at her. Did she fall on her head and forgot what happened last night.

"I'm pretty sure we're not together anymore, so if you're just gonna bother my work I suggest you leave" I ordered sitting back on my chair. She sighed and plumped on the couch I had in my office.

"Baby, I was drunk. I promise, I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise I'll do better" she begged but I only shook my head no, remembering everytime she got drunk.

"Yeah you're not just physically abusive but also verbally, Stacey. I don't need that in my life, I've already went through shit." I said crossing my arms in front of me. She was just staring at me with an intense look.

"You like someone else?" She asked out of the blue, making my head look up at her to find her standing right in front of my face. How d-

"Tell me!" She slammed her hands on my desk making me jump, I sighed and stood up walking to the door.

"Leave, before I call security" I said quietly and without looking at her. She fixed her posture and dusted her shirt arrogantly and I just rolled my eyes.

"This, is not over" she threatened leaning closer to my face, when she left I slammed the door shut and went to my desk letting a long sigh I didn't know I was holding.

I called Jess right away and told her everything that has happened, yesterday and today. For the first time she didn't laugh or make a silky remark, she was genuinely worried. I reassured her that everything was fine, I just wanted to talk to her. 

"What happened to you Zora?" Jess asked catching me off guard, I honestly had no idea what happened. I just felt like all that recklessness and the unbothered personality wasn't going to lead me anywhere. For example, with Harvey. I don't want to lose her, never again because I realized she was literally the missing piece to my puzzle.

"I don't know Jess... I'm just tired" I said shortly, she sighed knowing I didn't tell her everything but she didn't push it.

"How about, we go on a double date? Bring Scar. It'll be fun, I promise" Jess suggested,

"I'll ask Harvey first, but send me the info I'm sure she won't say no. With a little  convincing..." I said making Jess chuckle, we said goodbye and I went on with my work until it was time for me to go.

When I went inside the car I decided to call Harvey and see what she thinks.

"Hello darling"

I melted...

"Hey, you wanna go on double date?" I went straight to the point, she went silent for a second she made me think that the line got cut.

"It's okay if you can't, I can just ask someone from work. B-" I started but I was quickly cut off by her voice.

"Don't you fucking dare Zora..." She threatened, I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling.

"Come over to help me chose something appropriate. Not too revealing..." I sighed and

"Wear whatever you want princess, I know how to fight" she replied with no hesitation leaving my jaw on the floor in surprise.

"Send me everything and I'll come get you"she demanded and I nodded like she could see me, my heart was beating so fast that the words were finding it hard to reach my lips.

"I- yes. See you tonight then. Bye" I quickly hangup before she could speak again. Her voice, her attitude, her personality were all making my panties wet.

At home, I took a very long and relaxing bath. Then I started getting ready, it was going to take a while to find the perfect dress. I put everything that I could find in front of me and stared at it waiting for something to pop out of nowhere and tell me to wear it.

I hated looking for what to wear, that is why I have Jessy to help me. She knows my closest more than me, I went to look for my phone and my leg got tangled in something making me trip and fall.

"Fucking stupid b- oh?" I grabbed the black dress and I smiled widely. Perfect.

I put the dress on and it fit perfectly, I put makeup then dried and straightened my hair. Just when I was lacing my shoes the doorbell rung, I smiled and put perfume on, I grabbed my black coat and went downstairs to open the door.

"My oh my..." Was the first thing Harvey said when she saw me, she was wearing an all black suit.

"You look beautiful, darling" she said kissing my hand, my eyes were still glued on her because she looked so hot in that suit with her hair down like always. God I love her cologne, it's so strong and intoxicating but in a good way.

"Shall we?" She said when I didn't say anything back, she was still smiling at me.

"I guess we're matching" I said pointing to the her outfit, my dress and the black Ferrari parked in front of the house. She chuckeld and nodded her head.

She held my hand and guided me down the stairs the opened the car door for me.

"Thank you" I said smiling at her, she gently shut the door and went to her side. She started driving following the gps to the fancy restaurant Jessy has reserved at.

"So what's this date for?" She asked curiously, I looked at her for a second enjoying the view of her sharp jaw.

"I don't know, Jessy invited the both of us" I replied then turn to look out the window.

"Hmmm..." She hummed as if she didn't believe a word I said.

"What? It's the truth" she chuckeld at my sudden defensiveness and looked at me.

"Are you sure? Because it sounds like you have a crush on me and you're taking me on a date?" She said teasingly, I scoffed crossing my arms and turned the other way making her laugh.

"I'm gonna take both of your eyes out and shove them so deep in your ass you'll see your stomach from the inside" I said pointing my finger at her, she burst out laughing and parked the car in front of the restaurant.

"So aggressive" she replied, she helped me out of the car and I interlocked my arm with hers as we walked in the restaurant searching for Jess and my sister. Let's hope this date goes smoothly...

Hello everyone!!! I hope you're doing well today, let's see how many chapters I can write today. Hopefully a lot.



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