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I winced in pain as soon as I started gaining consciousness. I could hear people talking around me but their words weren't clear. I slowly started to open my eyes and groaned at the bright light.

"Sweetheart are you alright?" I heard my mama's voice, I focused my eyes on her and she was looking at me with a worried look. I smiled nodding my head and she sighed. I'm guessing I'm at the hospital, I wonder how I got here.


The heart monitor started beeping louder the faster my heart went, what if she was hurt. I was panicking and hyperventilating, I felt a hand on mine trying to comfort me. I looked at my mom, she was standing on my right.

"She's okay..." She reassured, my eyes focused on my right leg and I saw the huge bandage covering my skin. I went to touch it but a hand grabbed my wrist and gently pulled it away.

"Zora what happened?" My mom asked curiously, maybe Harvey should be present as well so she'd know what I found in her pocket.

"Can you bring Harvey please" I asked her while still staring at my leg, I saw my mom leave for a few minutes and then she came back with Harvey behind her. She smiled at me and walked closer to the bed, I grabbed her hand and rested it on my lap.

"I'm glad you're okay" she whispered, I kissed her knuckles and sighed.

"When I went to grab my wallet, I heard a ticking noise and it was annoying me. So I looked for it thinking it was a clock or something..." I looked at my moms and then back at Harvey.

"I found your blazer, the one you were wearing when you went to work. One of the pockets had a weird looking object, this size" I made a four inch size with my fingers and they all were staring at me confused.

"I turned it and it had a timer. I knew it must be a bomb, so I let go and ran for the door. It was too late before it could reach the floor it blew and burned my right leg" I explained while staring at the bandages all over my leg, I couldn't move because I was in so much pain. It stung so bad and it sent shockwaves all over my body whenever I accidentally scoot over.

"You said my blazer had a bomb in it?" Harvey asked confused, she was so deep in her thoughts. Her hand that I was still holding in mine was shaking uncontrollably, like she knew who might've done this.

"That morning, I was walking out of the company building when a woman bumped into me." She said thinking deeply, I gently caressed her knuckles and smiled at her so she can continue.

"She was oddly familiar, she had medium length blonde hair and she said her name was... I don't know Cici?" Blonde woman named Cici, could it possibly be her? I don't think Stacey is that fuckin insane to plant a bomb in Harvey's pocket. Out of jealousy?!

"Stacey?" I mumbled, she did major in physics in college before dropping out. But to make a fuckin mini bomb that's just insane.

"Your ex?" They all asked at the same time, I nodded.

"I mean, she's crazy but not terrorist crazy" I said confused, could it really be her? I haven't seen her in weeks, since that day at my office. I thought she finally got the hint that I don't wanna see her ever again and she left me alone but I guess not.

"She did hit you so I'm guessing she could do more" Harvey replied making both my moms gasp, I chuckled awkwardly at all of them. I haven't told my parents about that, I'm in trouble.

"Why did you tell me Zora?!" My mom yelled, I avoided looking at her feeling my tears fall. I guess they were waiting for a small inconvenience to fall uncontrollably.

"I didn't know she'd go this far"

"You could've died Zora!" She yelled again, my mama stood up and pulled her out of the room leaving me and Harvey. She sighed and pulled me closer so I can lay my head on her chest.

"It's alright darling" she whispered kissing my head which only made me cry harder. She sighed and pulled back to look at my face, she smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes. She was planning on doing something.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, she leaned to kiss my lips and I kissed her back. She pulled back again and brushed my cheek, what was happening? Where was she going? What was she planning on doing?

"Harvey? Where are you going?" I asked again more confused this time, without answering she fixed her posture and inhaled deeply then left the room. I kept calling for her but she didn't come back, my parents walked in the room asking me what's wrong but I was just staring at the door confused.


All I was thinking about is the perfect method to kill that bitch. I walked out the hospital I took a cab and I gave him the location to my parents house. I didn't care if she was a famous makeup artist or if I'm doing it public. She was going to die tonight.

I sent a text to Tony and he immediately replied, I asked him to look for this Stacey, where she lived where she worked and where she was right now. I told him I needed it immediately and he said he's on it.

I ran inside the house and went directly to the basement, I smiled at the black metal baseball bat I had. I grabbed it and swung it in circles, I grabbed my car keys and went to the garage next.

Last night I stay all night with Zora but in the morning I went to her house to shower and change and brought her fresh clothes. Because the doctor said she was going to stay for a few more days. I was wearing a black suit pants and a black button up shirt, my sleeves were rolled up and my hair was in a half bun.

I got in my car lighting a cigarette and humming a random song I had in my head waiting for Tony to reply, a few minutes later I heard my phone ding and I smiled. I started the car and went to my destination, she was at a party.

I parked my Ferrari in front of the house and pulled my bat out putting it over my shoulder and walked inside. The security tried to stop me and I just smiled at him.

"Where do you think you're going with that?" He asked pointing to the bat, I sighed and looked at it as well scanning it.

"I'm going to count to three, you step to side or I'm shoving this up your ass" I said with a smile, he looked at his friend and laughed sarcastically.


"2..." Before I said number three I swung the bat at his head and he fell to the ground unconscious. I looked at his friend and he just stared at me terrified, I pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and smoked it then turned it off on his cheek as he screamed in pain.

"I don't give second chances" I said pushing him out of the way, I walked inside scanning the big room looking for a certain blonde girl. When I saw her talking to a random girl I smirked and made my way to her.

"Let the party begin"

Revenge time!!!

Ps: the picture in media is what I mean by her hair is in a half bun


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