Part 36

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"Mr. Osborn," I say over the sleeping harry, disguising my voice slightly, deepening it. I hang from the ceiling over the man, scales crawling up his cheek line, and his eyes sunken and dark. he gets up almost immediately and looks around his room.

"look up. think you're looking for me" I say gruffly. his eyes dart up quickly, and he laughs maniacally. "I cannot believe my eyes!" he shouts, throwing his hand to his face in disbelief. "spiderman! just the man I wanted to see. you, uhm- you talked to peter?"

I clear my throat and lower myself down to the ground slowly, taking a seat. he sits next to me, before pouring himself a drink, taking it in his hand loosely and taking a mouthful. "yeah. I wanna help you, Mr. Osborn. I do. more than you know. I can't give you my blood. not right now" his cold, dead blue eyes widen, his dry lips opening to say "excuse me?"

"it's too dangerous. if our blood is incompatible, you could die" I continue wearily. "I'm already dying. your blood can't make me die more"

"but it could do something worse" I warn, but he just laughs. "okay. alright, how much?"

"how much what?" I ask quickly, "how much do you want? name it. you want a boat? Do you want a plane? Do you want money? how much do you want?" he says hastily, his voice becoming more distressed by the second.

"I don't want your money," I say simply.

"come on, everybody wants my money!" he shouts. I stand up and shake my head, but he continues. "I thought you- I thought you were supposed to save people. I thought that's what you do, are you saving people's lives? you're- you're just gonna let me die" he says, annoyance laced throughout his voice.

"I'm trying to protect you right now" I state calmly, but he just shakes his head. "no. no, you are not. you're trying to protect yourself!" he shouts, before throwing his glass towards my head. I dodge it as if it was nothing, but a shard of glass cuts harries cheek. he cups his cheek, leaning over in pain. "look, we just need a bit more time to figure out something else"

"I do not have time!" he shouts, again.

"I'm sorry," I say, before swinging swiftly out of the window. I hold onto the side of the building, as I hear him tip a table over, leading with a smash of glass, and a shout of "you're a fraud, spiderman! a fucking fraud!"


after pulling on normal clothes in an alleyway, I breathe deeply, rubbing my hand through my hair as I walk to a tall, and fancy-looking building.

everything runs through my head. harry, electro, my dad, y/n. and what I'm about to say right now.

I see y/n, looking down while walking hurriedly. shooting a web in front of her, I slam into the wall. I groan on impact, before muttering a small "hey" she jumps backward and blinks quickly.

"Hey, uh, hi" she splutters. she continues walking, "I'm running late right now," y/n says hurriedly, looking at her watch on her wrist. "it's just gonna take a second," I say desperately. she looks at me 'what am I supposed to do?' eyes, and replies "I can't. I'm sorry, peter"

"just give me one minute" I hold out one finger, and she shakes her head. "just wanna say one thing and I'm gone" she nods quickly, pulling me to the side slightly. she looks around worriedly, but I'm too far gone to stop. "everything's a mess. everything's insane" I run a hand through my hair again, and she shushes me.

maybe I am being a bit loud. "my dad, my mom. everything I thought about them? lies. ha!" I chuckled sarcastically. "lies. lies, lies, lies. nothing makes any sense anymore" I smile like a weirdo, and she looks at me with confusion and sympathy. "I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with harry. of course, I wanna save him. you know?" she nods quickly, and I carry on. "I wanna save him because he's my best friend. and what if my blood works? and I'm not giving it to him? but what if it doesn't? and if I gave it to him he would die? I don't know. I got no idea" my eyes widen at my own words. "oh, god. I got nothing. I got nothing" I repeat, like a crazy person. "the only thing I keep coming back to, y/n, is-"

"miss l/n?" a woman with a strong British accent interrupts, and suddenly reality comes back to me, and I look around the large, polished room with fascination. "shall I take you upstairs?"

"yes. I'm so sorry" y/n says, before turning to me. "I'm so sorry," she repeats, to me this time "I'm already late" she turns back to the woman at the desk. "can I have just one more minute?"

the woman nods. "okay. thank you. I'm sorry- I'm-" y/n clears her throat. "okay. I have to be" she starts again before I interrupt her. "where are we?"

"I'm at my... last interview for that job right now," she says anxiously. "o-oh yeah, yeah" I stutter out, trying to act casual. "I'm sorry to bother you, uh, my fair lady- madam" I look at the woman behind the desk and put out a hand of sympathy. " who am I? I mean, who am I? I'm john hopkins. I'm one of the young professors at Harvard, and I've been trying to get her to be in my- be a part of my team for a while now. and she's just the best person I know and a genius" I ramble, trying to make y/n look good. "and- anyway, god save the queen"

I start to back away before y/n grabs my arm. "can you wait, peter? peter! what do you want to say to me? what's the 'one thing?" I shake my head, and she continues, "I have to go to England, peter. it's important to me"

a part of me is glad she isn't giving her what's important to her for me. she's worth so much, and, if her leaving me means the world gets to see it, then so be it. "I mean, I don't know. maybe.. we're on different paths right now" she says, and my heart drops and is ripped into a million tiny pieces. the one thing I didn't want to hear was. "you know...? I don't know" her words are said tearfully, but she doesn't cry. "maybe we're just going different ways. maybe that's all we'll ever do. go different ways.. i-i've gotta go, Pete. I gotta go" she finishes, walking back towards the woman.

"y/n" I call out softly, a sad smile on my face. she looks back at me with kind eyes. "good luck" I put up both my thumbs, before she gives a small smile, and walks away.

"hi, sorry" I hear her say down the hall, before I go through the doors, and leave.

if you really, truly love them, let them go. right?

word count: 1215

Late Night Heartbreak || P.P. || COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant