Part 21

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i plummet head first into the busy traffic of new york city rapidly, barely catching myself with a web. i pull myself upwards, softly brushing the clouds.

"what've you got for me today new york?" i shout excitedly, swinging dangerously close to a helicopter, i listen in on the news.

'an oscorp truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked, a police chase is in progress' a drone-like female voice states through the radio within the chopper.

i whoop and gain some more speed, heading towards the road down below. "all right! let's go!"

i sling a web to a random skyscraper and swing, almost brushing the cabs underneath my feet.

"spiderman!" a random voice shouts. i grin under my mask, shouting "hello pedestrians!" to the people below me, causing whoops of excitement to come from them.

i land, crouching on the top of an oscorp truck. i crawl to the window of this new criminal, and knock.

"knock knock!" i shout at the bald guy with face tats from outside his truck. "mr criminal!" i shout, with too much joy, probably with a bit of cockiness, in my voice, so the guy behind the glass could hear me.

he rolls down his window, with a threatening look on his face.

"hey i'm spiderman!" i stick out my hand, being far too 'happy' for the situation. "you can call me web-head, you can call me amazing, just don't call me late for dinner, get it?" i joke.

the guy pulls out a gun, pointing it at me."woah!" i exclaim, "not a shaker? are you a hugger?" i joke again.

"i'm a killer!" the man shouts, with a thick russian accent. "whoa, okay!" i laugh.

the man tries to cock his gun, but struggles, and messes around with it. "hey, you having a bit of trouble with your gun?" i pause looking at his steering wheel, "you need some help with that?" i take the wheel and turn the car onto a different road.

i look at the road ahead and see a man, frantically trying to pick up some blueprints. "i'll be back" i rush to say, before swinging towards the man. i jump at him, pulling us down to the floor. the truck hurries past, and we get up.

i pick up his blueprints with a web, and hand them to him. "whoo, okay, okay. there you go" i pant, "you okay? you alright?" i question, and the man looks bewildered, wide eyed.

"you're spiderman" the man gapes. i glance down at his badge.. 'max'.

"costume gives it away huh?" i laugh, "these look important, max" i say, pointing towards the multiple blueprints held in his arms.

"max? h-how do you know my name?" max stutters, looking nervous.

"it's written on your.. on your badge" I say blankly.

"i'm a nobody.." he starts, but I cut him off.

"hey! you're not a nobody. you're a somebody!" i smile, "lick that" i finish, holding out my hand for him to lick. he licks, and i brush out his messed up hair with my hand.

"all right. listen to me, now i need you" i lie, trying to make the clearly anxious max feel better. "really?" the man asks, bewildered.

i smile a little, and nod slowly, "you're my eyes and ears out there!" he returns the nod, and i'm out, 'saving the day' once again.

i jump onto the back of an oscorp van, the guys inside already being taken care of by the cops. the doors swing open, and vials of 'plutonium' jump at me. i quickly web all of them, until one escapes, rolling into the road. i shoot a web to the fire escape above, tying up the rest of the vials.

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