Part 6

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•chapter 6•

part 2 to the last chap! bit of a filler chapter, thank you for reading! :D

TW: (breif mention of) dermatillomania (skin picking disorder), parental abuse

peters facial expression changes.

"uh- thank you for... last night" he states, looking down at his hands, where he is picking at the skin around his finger nails. i take his large hands in mine and he looks up at me.

"it was no problem at all, of course" I give a comforting smile. he smiles back, and leads me downstairs. i check the clock.

"shit we need to go pete" i whisper urgently. he looks at the clock and nods.

"bye guys!" he yells into the almost empty house.


we walk up to the main pathway into school, and see flash and a bunch of boys laughing and shouting. just being the pricks they are. as we walk past, one of his friends catcalls some girl.. wait, that some girl is me. flash high fives the boy as they all cheer.

god, i hate men. i hate it.

the first 2 lessons feel as if they drag on for days, leaving no knowledge behind in my head, and with me forgetting the content of the class in the first 5 minutes of being out of it. we get to lunch, and that's just as long and uneventful.

i walk past bustling teenagers, desperate to get to their classes, and others who couldn't care less. i get to my locker, but hear my name being hollered.

"y/n!" flash shouts. he strids over and leans against the locker next to me. what the fuck.

"hm?" i hum, plastering a ( far too) cheery smile on my face.

"your new boyfriend is making a ass out of me and-" he gets cut off by my snarky comment

"like you're not an ass already?" I ask, slamming my locker. "okay then" I shrug, smirking.

"just tell him to get out of my way, alright?" he pauses, getting closer to my face. i lean backwards, my back hitting the cold metal door. "and if i don't?" i say with a sly smile.

"i'll have to mess up that pretty little face of yours" he smirks. first there's catcalling, then there's backing me against a locker, then there's this.

i clench my first and swing my arm, hitting him straight in the face. for the second time this week, my hand starts throbbing and i shake it softly. i close my eyes breifly, and hear a thud from flash's body hitting the ground, with him groaning in pain.


"this behaviour is not accepted at our school" the principal continues. "this is the second time this week your daughter has assaulted another child, and it is starting to get concerning" my mother nods and holds a serious face.

"like he hasn't assaulted other people here! he just gets away with it because he's a boy! like that poor kid the other day. no punishments for flash for that, huh? unbelievable!" i exclaim, throwing my hands in the air. i know i'll never get my point through. because flash is a young boy, he can't control his impulses to punch others, in fact, he's encouraged to act on his impluses if he can 'score a chick'.

my mother shoots me a venomous look. she has always been quite traditional, always believing in 'manly men' and how they should run the household. imagine her surprise when her daughter was of the polar opposite beliefs.

the principal clears his throat "thank you for bringing that to my attention, but this is not the time to be discussing such things" i roll my eyes. the meeting ends and me and mom walk out the office. as soon as the door is shut, she grabs my arm with a scowl on her face.

"what have i told you" she gets cut off by me trying to tug my arm away, resulting in her grabbing in harder. "about talking about that.. nonsense" she spits out, with such poison that it could kill someone on contact.

"just providing my opinion.. my truthful opinion" i smirk and she raises her eyebrows. she escorts me out the building. she slaps my face lightly, but i instantly feel the sting.

"where have you been these last few days?" she questions. now, obviously i'm not going to tell her. she clearly doesn't grasp the concept of running away, does she?

"not gonna tell you am i?" i snap. she doesn't deserve my respect.

"we're going home, and you're not gonna like what's coming for you" she states through gritted teeth.

"y/n! are you o-" i hear from behind me and my mother. it's peter. my mom looks behind her, and glares at Peter. she looks away, muttering something about his influence on me and that shit. i look behind, mouthing "i'll see you tomorrow"

a look of sorrow wipes over his face, and guilt coarses through my veins. that face will be the death of me.

i'm not gonna like what's coming for me after pulling the shit i have these last few days, but peters there for me.

peters there for me, right?

ik this book is not correctly following the timeline of the amazing spiderman , but i need to change it up for the story and content 🤪

stay tuned, dear readers. things are gonna get good.

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