Samantha's A List

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I have my skeleton keys ready to go and watch it all go viral. The bouncing ball will roll all over the world and come up to an empty warehouse. First I start with the news loser. I post a few photos and a video of her coming from the free clinic outside of Seattle. I type in why is Kate Kavanagh coming from a free clinic and looking pale shall we ask her male friend waiting in her car??? Screw with me again. She refused to go to any of the places that needed her. Next Leila I suggest strongly that she was present when patients files went missing, showed her entering and exiting the building dr Flynn is in on the day files went missing. She had nothing in her hands when she went inside, but was carrying an armful of files when she left. Dr Flynn didn't even know that he was missing files because they weren't destroyed by his staff after they were scanned in digitally. A friend of Leila's was giving her the old files for sexual favors. This I had to really go deep to find out. This was how Leila knew about Anastasia and the rest of Flynn's patients. This I can keep until she crosses a line. I need to catch her with the actual files. It is her word against mine. She is doing her sixteen though. Mia Grey has been hiding the fact that she gave a baby up for adoption. The father was mr Johnson, Lily Johnson's father. This is definitely something mr Johnson and her don't want out because they are still seeing each other. His wife and daughter don't know, but will if her ass misses one more day of her punishment. I get the information typed up and send it from an anonymous email from another IP address. Gia Matteo is working hard and after seeing the guy she reports to is gorgeous. Too bad he can't stand her. She keeps hitting on him and he keeps telling her not interested. He asked me to change her assignment and I found someone to take her place. Emma Pierce is willing to change from the nursing home to the after school programs. She is another girl who has been pulling her weight. Lily Johnson was given no choice but to do hers and she has met several people that she likes and they hope she stays after her six months are up. The last but nit least is the one I have nothing on yet. Kellen McNamara she has definitely been working hard with the unwed teenage rape victims. It is like she came from witness protection and into Mia Grey's circle. This one I want dad to look at. Something is very wrong in the fact I can't find her past. I am starting to think she is a plant of sone type.
I start working on Kelly McNamara and I find that Samantha is right there is something fishy about her not having a past. No birth certificate, no past and her work up only goes back five years. It is like she appeared out of nowhere and someone created her on line hoping no one would be snooping into her past. Well I start snooping where Samantha can't and I find a few interesting facts that I can't share with anyone just yet. I decide to play it better safe than sorry and put someone on her and her so called family. I call Jason Taylor and give him a heads up so he can get Mia covered and inform Christian Grey what I have found out and why I was looking into Kellen and all Mia's other friends. He was a little exasperated at the time but called me directly later in the evening. I guess he asked Grace what she knew about Kellen McNamara and she told him she just knew that she was introduced by Howard Johnson, Lily Johnsons father. I asked why mr Johnson would be introducing a teenage girl to Mia and we wondered that as well.
I ask Jason if we could get DNA samples of both Kellen McNamara and Lily Johnson. Then try to get a DNA sample from Howard Johnson. Both girls are about the same ages and look similar. I know mr Johnson cheats on Mindy, but wonder if he is steal cheating and who is he cheating on her with. I have Jason put a covert on mr Johnson as well. This just doesn't make sense to me and until we know who she is and why she is hanging out with Mia and her friends I don't want to her being out if my sight using coverts.
I can't believe Mia and Mr Johnson are seeing each other, but don't know when it started and mr Grey will want to know that as well. We found out a few other things after accessing Mia's cell phone and the numbers were very clearly a burner phone, but the messages were clearly from mr Johnson. Then we found Kellen's number and we checked hers. I am now sure that Mia is in danger from Kellen McNamara and why. So I needed to get to know the truth so I ask her to meet Mia at GEH. I call Mia and have her come as well. I can't believe this all started because how badly Mia and her friends treated Anastasia at her birthday party. They were all unkind to her and they didn't realize she had the power to refuse to train them in computer training. She had her sister take it over so no one could say she kept them off the list because she held a grudge. Samantha decided to give the ones who needed it worse the spots. She was diplomatic in her choices. I found out all about it through hearing it from Grace and Ray Steele after the big scene at the sandwich shop. The list was made public and they did very well.

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