Retirement Tine

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Anastasia and I do everything we can to enjoy the sunny days and the rainy days we build my company. She has a knack of hiring the right people for the jobs and I have the ability to dig deep into their closets and fund all the skeletons. Depending on the skeletons we decide if we can deal with them or not. Some of our jobs might have need of such a person or persons that can do things others might not be able to. We won't directly ask them to do anything but they know what the jobs entail for certain jobs asked of us. We hand it over and ask them to do their jobs and there are no direct commands for anything but asking them to do their job. The job descriptions are simple find needed information and resolve issues. We might need to be less obvious in what we are asking of them. But we now have the staff we need the building and a top IT person. Anastasia hired a Samantha Rivers and she is still a teenager but so is Anastasia. But 14 years old and just got her work permit. We set up hours amenable with her parents. Anastasia and Samantha are hard at work getting servers and total back up systems along with the rest of the building completed. Grey construction was offered the job to create a safe place for delicate machinery and he works with Samantha and Anastasia and a computer engineer along with a security specialist namely me. Safe rooms are built into various areas of the building that have access to outside escape areas. It can't be obvious otherwise someone might come in through the escape areas. Grey designed everything and only a few things needed changes and we were off and running. We have a month to go.
I finally have a way to pay for my college and my latest systems and they pay better than the others that want my services for free. My classmates think I just sit around waiting for them to ask for favors well I don't. Mom helped get me my work permit and I showed her the job I wanted, so we went down to interview with a girl and her father. Mom was flirting with mr Steele. He asked mom to call him Ray and Anastasia is his daughter and they are the people who want to hire me. We finally work out a schedule that is acceptable to all of us. The attraction to each other is too much for Anastasia and ourselves so we let them talk as she puts me on the payroll and tells me what we need to do and she sits with me and my dreams of the perfect systems and backup system. She orders me the system I recommended for us to access the mainframes without leaving our homes. We will set it up once everything us ready. But our in home equipment has to go in our homes right now along with mom's house getting major security upgrades by way of having Ray come over to show mom how it will work.
Amber Rivers
I can't stop flirting with Ray and he is giving as good as he is getting. The girls go complete everything to get Samantha on the payroll. For a retired military officer he seems to have an endless supply of money. I heard their was an heir to the Steele fortunes but had never met them yet. Here he sits and we are both flirting with me. He invites us to eat dinner with him and Anastasia he is doing some of the cooking. We have been seeing one another for a while when everything is up and running and Anastasia has started college and she has met yet another Grey and she is invited to a birthday party.
I decide a nice place for Anastasia's birthday celebration and a new car for her birthday . We go to the Mile High Club and get a table, luckily we don't have to wait long. Amber and Samantha have graciously accepted the invitation to the club for a nice meal. All the girls are dressed stunningly. We have a very nice time and I give Anastasia her vehicle a special armored plated bullet proof glass on a VW bus. I shook my head at what she wanted painted on it. But it was hers to choose the painting. She chose a scenic photograph and had it painted on with special paint as well. It took out all the surprise of getting her a vehicle to drive. There are special compartments inside the van for various reasons. Anastasia designed the compartments for it and other vehicles and patented the designs. She has been sending in her designs since she was very young and she got the patents but I had to sign the contracts in person so she couldn't get it that way so she handled it another way and she has income from those. Now that she is 18 she can get an attorney that is willing to work with her in the contracts unlike the guy she had that was taking fifty percent of the deal. She limited the time of the contracts so they ended on her 18th birthday and that us today. So the companies are calling her all day long and so is the sheister attorney. I told the attorney to take a hike and found a better attorney dr Grey's husband of all people. Carrick Grey has the contracts and has advised her to take the other companies deal because it will work out better in the long run. The stupid attorney found us at the Mile High Club and has demanded her sign the new contracts. She told him to take a hike and he made a huge mistake of grabbing her arm and she reacted to it very quickly. He was on his back with her heel on his chest telling him no means no you clown. She ripped up the contracts and told him the gravy train stops now. Security dragged him out of the restaurant. By attorney Robert do little Anders. Other than that the night turned out great.

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