The Missing Links

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Raymond Steele
I didn't know how close Mia's babies were until I started digging. Howard went out of town and so did Mia but she had Lily Johnson and Leila  Williams go out of town with her as well. She had them cover for her and gave birth to twins out of state. She lied about getting an abortion. But Mia lied about a lot. What I failed to notice is that Kellen McNamara aka Ashley Lewis had agreed to adopt Mia's twins after she lost her baby boy. She was living in California and Howard signed the baby boys over to her since Mia wanted nothing to do with them. The paper trail was extensive, well if you looked for it, the documents were there to find. Mia used her friends and Elliott's Malibu house to stay until she had the boys. Then she partied all the time after Howard handed the boys over to Kellen McNamara now Ashley Paulson. I would say giving his twins to her was the best thing he ever did for his sons.
Ashley Paulson
I knew if they started digging they would find out that the grave my son was in might be exhumed since Mia's named as his mother and I am named as the twins mother. Gordon and Snyder Paulson might be taken away from me. If they ever ask for my DNA and realize anything. Howard better back me up on this. The birthdates are two days apart. He was screwing us in the same week. I am so glad I stopped having anything to do with him. I am listed as the mother but used a family name for their last names, Johnson. No birth father listed.
I call Kellen and talk to her about needing to see her and she agrees nervously. Amber is worried because she thinks we should leave it alone after all they are nearly five years old.
She is 23 now and was 18 years old. I heard that Mia didn't want the children either time. She signed away her rights Howard kept things in a safe deposit box and he signed his rights over to Kellen aka Ashley on the papers. She got fake peppers to get close to Mia and it turned out to be Anastasia and Samantha and she finally told us the truth about her real name but not that her twins were Mia's and her real son died seconds after he was born. Howard decided that Ashley was a better choice as a mother than Mia.
I walk in and Ray and Amber have documentation ready to go. I spill my guts and they are right you never really get over your babies death. Mia might have never missed her boys but I miss David Allen Johnson everyday. His grave has David Allen Grey. Mia was short two weeks to celebrate her 18th birthday. When Samantha created her A List and forced us to do charitable acts to make up for what we did to Anastasia during Mia's birthday party. It was the best decision to do as they asked, it changed my life for good. I confess everything and he tells me that I need to come clean and let Carrick and Grace know my boys are Mia's boys that she gave up after she had them. She explained that she felt guilty and moved back to Seattle and changed her name and befriended Mia and she stopped feeling guilty after she realized what an evil person she is.
I call Grace and Carrick and let them know I found their other grandsons. I thought I heard Grace faint because I thought I  heard a thud in the background. Ashley you might want to let your husband know about this and we need to arrange for their grandparents to meet them.
I will bring them to meet their grandparents when you wish. Scott and I will bring Gordon and Snyder to meet their grandparents. I leave and call Scott about bringing the boys to meet their grandparents.
I get the boys ready to go meet their grandparents on their mother's side. Ashley had to come clean when we had to take Gordon in for an emergency appendectomy and her blood type proved that she wasn't their birth mother. When she told me what the truth was I was happy to keep her secret. We could lose Gordon and Snyder to the Grey family. So we wait until Ray gets off the phone and he has us follow him to the Grey's home. Luckily it isn't far from them.
We are waiting to meet our grandsons. Grace is anxious and the babies sense it. So I had the nannies take them to play in the nurseries. Ray found the boys pretty quickly what is amazing is that they were in Seattle for a long time. We even know the people they are with. Howard and Mia both gave the boys up. Apparently there was another baby by Howard with this young lady but it died two days before these boys were born. Howard gave the mother our grandchildren and buried the other child using Mia Grey as it's mother. Mia was going give up the other twins as well, but her death prevented her from signing her rights away.
I walk to the door after hearing two cars arrive outside. I open the door and two little balls of energy run up to the open door. They look like Howard and Mia combined. They ask me if I a nana? I tell them I am their grandma and Carrick smiles at them and says he is their grandfather.
I brought all the pertinent documents everything is legal and I am sure they can keep the boys. I hand the copies to Carrick.
I see Kellen McNamara apparently her real name is Ashley Lewis. I think about that name and I know why she used a different name now. But Scott Paulson I do know and Ashley introduces him as her husband. She has made a good choice of a husband. I know Grace approves of him and had hopes Mia would bring him home, but he wasn't interested in her because she was a bad influence on people.
We go inside and sit down as the boys play with toys in the family room. Crayons and coloring books and various toy cars that look like older toys possibly Christian and Elliott's.
I can tell this is hard for both of you but, we would like to see them both and at family events how do you feel about that.
They should know their grandparents and we can work something out to benefit them and us as well.
I would like that, they weren't scared of meeting us at all.
We want them to be comfortable in any environment so they know the difference in someone that they need to tell us about being scary and someone that are just nice people.
The babies are brought out and they are introduced as their brothers. That opened a huge can of worms and they wanted to take their brothers home with us.

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