A Guiding light

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I wake up suddenly and from a dream of my dead mother leading me through our dark apartment through our filthy apartment to the front door, suddenly there is daylight. We are dressed for a funeral and my mother is gone and Anastasia is leading me to an awaiting hearse. I don't know who died but we have Christopher and a girl holding Anastasia's hand very tightly looking up and crying mommy is in heaven right?
Yes Lil bit she is and she wanted us to love you after she died. Would you like that? Christopher walks over and pulls out a handkerchief and she thanks him and wipes her little eyes. I had no idea that we would be adopting so quickly but the mothers cancer spread so quickly the emergency room had to call the social worker and Grace called us as well. We went immediately and a week later we are burying her Lil bits only relative. Her name is actually Lisbeth she was called Lil bit because she us very tiny and she couldn't say Lisbeth. Colleen Daniels wanted to meet with prospective parents and she passed on pain medication to assure that she chose the right parents for her baby girl. Lil bit saw Christopher hugging Christian and chose him to be her father and me not so much her mother because no one could ever replace her mommy. Colleen chose us and told me that children say things not necessarily to hurt but to let them know they can't fill her mothers shoes. But I can be patient and live will create the bind we don't have now but will have if the love lights the path.
I pick up Lil bit and hold her while her mother is being lowered into the ground. She knows this is her mommy's burial site. She is in the Grey family plot. Her father was killed overseas, so there is money for Lil bit and now it will go into a trust for her in her 18th birthday. Christopher and Lil bit are six months apart in age she's older than he is. She is a grade ahead of him in school. Anastasia takes Christopher's hand and we go to mom and dad's for family dinner.
Christopher runs and hugs me and says don't ever die grandma. Please. I tell him I will try my best. He hugs me and kisses me hard. Kate and Elliott bring in Ava in her car seat and we head in for dinner. Ashley has dropped off Gordon and Snyder, she is very pregnant and Paul is out of town for a training course. All the grandchildren are here and I am happy. Lil bit is still inconsolable after seeing her mother buried. Suddenly she grabs Anastasia and won't let go. Anastasia holds her and whispers to her that she is still with us in spirit and will always be in our hearts.
I hold Lil bit and reassure that she is very much loved and always will be. That even though her mothers body is in the ground her spirit is still here with us and will protect and love her forever. A sudden ball of light flashes and leaves as quickly as it arrived.
Lil bit
Mommy told me she would be happy if I call you mommy now. I heard her voice and she left. I hug my new mommy hard and tell mommy chose you and daddy before you arrived at the hospital. She dreamed of you both and she whispered that you both and Christopher came to her in a dream and then in real life so I knew she gave me the best mommy and daddy and baby brother in the world.
Hey I am not a baby anything. I stick my tongue out at her and go play. Lil bit follows me so she can play as well. She gives me back my handkerchief. I put it in my pocket and we play cars and crash them. I hand her a doll and she looks at it and says she wants to crash cars up not be a mommy yet.
The day went well and both children are in bed when we get a call. Gail had twin girls and Colleen Sandra Taylor is ones name and Tessa Lynn Taylor is the other daughters name. Gail had a hard delivery and is unconscious and he needs to be there for her. I tell him to take all the time in the world. I call HR and tell them to put in for extended leave for Jason and Gail Taylor and pay full salary with a bump of twenty percent. I call Thomas Sawyer and have him handle Jason's work load and hire extra staff. I then call Mrs Cameron and tell her to handle Gail's job duties and hire three more staff from the lists she was given. They will get a bonus if they handle everything without issue. I have Sawyer send someone to the hospital with clothing for Gail and Jason and guards for the babies. Jason Jr is staying in the guest room next to Christopher. Then we get a call that Kate has went into premature labor. We get the nannies to care for the children and call in the back up if needed.
I am frantically walking across the room waiting for Kate to get out of surgery. Security is standing guard outside the OR and I am waiting to hear any news. Soon they bring a tiny baby in a bassinet with baby Grey on the tag and tubes everywhere. Then they bring Kate out an hour later. One security went with the baby while the other stay with me to oversee Kate. Christian and Anastasia arrive followed by mom and dad. The doctor explain that Kate had preeclampsia and they had to deliver my son early to save them both. Theodore Andrew Grey weighed four pounds and 15 inches long.
I hurt everywhere and I have IV's and I am on oxygen as well. Mom and dad arrive with Ethan and some girl with him. Apparently he was on a date when he got a call from Elliott. Even Anastasia is here and Christian. I thought she hated me. But I guess Mia's lies just keep unraveling to expose the truths she chose to bury.

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