College Begins

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The training courses have went over very nicely. I had Amber choose the students so my biased would effect my choice of trainees.she chose very well. They were older people who truly needed the courses to stay ahead of the technology. I was very proud of her choices. They couldn't afford to pay for the classes. We poured our hearts into assuring each of them knew what they should by the end of the two weeks each were given a certificate and we put in extra time with a few that just needed a little more time to understand all of it. We even got a volunteer out of the class to help in the next training course when it started again. We accepted Jose Rodriquez Sr's offer and put him on the schedule.
Anastasia started her college courses today and I am trying to test out of as many courses as I can to get to college early. Dad, well I call Ray dad because he is the only father I have known. I like having a father and a sister. Not sure how the new baby is going to fit in, but as always we will make it work. Mom sold our home to a very young couple just starting out. This house is wonderful. Ray and mom clicked the first time they met. I really liked him and Anastasia and they were easy to get along with. They chose each other. I don't know the whole story about Carla but I know she was not a good anything. Anastasia has had something horrible happen to her and she won't talk about it with anyone but dr Flynn. I know after the birthday party for Mia Grey she scheduled an emergency session with him, so something happened at that party that hurt her badly. So when I was choosing the trainees I was aware of who was their at the party and eliminated the ones at the party from the lust and took the older people who needed it for a promotion and didn't have the resources to pay for them. That way they can't say we were getting back at them through our choices. Even the minister thought we were very thorough in our choices and approved of them. He said the younger kids had family who could afford to pay for classes. It all worked out for us and the older people, but not for Mia and her friends. I came out looking like a benevolent person. I think even if I didn't know how cruel her and her friends were to Anastasia I would have chose the older people anyway. I weighed all the information and it all pointed at the older people who were just trying to make it out in the world.
I bought my books Samantha and my CPO Ford and her CPO Collins are walking around with us to see where my classes are going to be held at. Samantha is very excited and we are sitting in one of the lecture rooms listening to a professor talk about neurons and such. We listen the whole class. We then go to where my other classes are going to be. I see Mia and her friends and we go the other direction. I make it to the sandwich shop and all if sit down to eat in the back corner where no one can see us. It didn't work at all. Mia had spotted me and Samantha.
I saw Anastasia and I know she saw me so we followed her when she turned on her heel and went the other direction. I want answers as to why she didn't pick any of us to get the free advanced computer training. So we go into the sandwich shop and see her and a young girl with her and two women sitting with them. I approach as they get their food with all my friends, the same ones who were at the party. Anastasia can I have a word with you please?
I tell her to go ahead and say what she wants to say to me and leave and take her crew with her.
I want to know why you didn't choose any of us for your free advanced training course.
She left it to me to choose the participants in the course and I chose people who couldn't afford to pay for the course and who needed it for job advancement and it would get them paid much better by having the skills. So whatever you are thinking you are wrong. I made all the decisions without any of her input. So why would you think she decided to leave you and your posse out of the training class for payback or revenge. She barely knows you, so why would she seek revenge on you? Unless you and your group did something to her. Did you and your group do something to feel like she wants revenge against you for? I am starting to think you did.
Who the hell are you anyway to make decisions about anything?
Well apparently I have the power to choose who we train in the advanced computer training course and what is your name?can you all give me your names because you just made a list if mine and it isn't for computer training. It is my list for training you girls that having wealthy parents doesn't automatically get you what you want. I already know who all of you are. You won't be getting into any of our training courses. I choose the people who most deserve my attention and none of you spoiled pretentious crown less princesses with your silver spoons and sharp tongues and fun making of rape victims will ever be trained in our courses. So be gone and ride your brooms with care it is raining out there.
Christian will crush you beneath his thumb after I tell him about this.
I will be running a front page article about your rape and make you look like a tramp.
I think Grace might have something to say to you and your friend along with Christian about doing anything to us. You might also find that that same newspaper you wield like you own it is your father's not your to threaten to malign people. Mia I suggest you also stop threatening me using Christian to crush me under his thumb. I recorded everything even if I didn't the sandwich shop got it all on video and it states clearly that you are being recorded. Look around st all the phones recording everything you did and said to us. By the way Amber is my sister. We choose who we want or don't want to train. The minister will hear about you and your friends bad behavior and he will be talking to your parents about this. I really wonder what Eamon will say to you Kate? Leila you are awfully quiet about this, I am betting your parents still haven't given you back your car after they found out how you discovered about me being raped want to tell the crowd how you stole my records from dr Flynn's office and tried to sneak them back and got caught. You are lucky I did pursue charges, but I think if you remain friends with these people I will press charges and sue your family as well. Dr Flynn doesn't know who did it yet, but I figured it out easily. You left a trail. You might find out who you are dealing with before you cross them. Next time you might not be given the chance to make it up to me. Samantha will decide how all of you will make it up to me and she will tell you and you will do it are we clear on this? They all nod their heads. By the way my father is ex military and he trained me well so don't try retribution against me or even threaten me again. I will let it go this once but I won't listen the next time I will act on what I know about each and everyone if you. Check who the Steele family truly are before you threaten me.

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