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We have grown so much that I need to hire more people and I have my HR department hiring qualified people. Sometimes no matter what kind of background checks you get on them it still doesn't give you the full story. Amber and I sat in in several interviews that Anastasia and Samantha are doing. We are trying to get them to handle some of the companies hiring so they can get the idea of sizing people up. A few people passed the muster but on guy was an issue. Jack Hyde basically  treating the women like they weren't in the room. I excuse myself and before I donI remind him that he gave permission for us to records all interviews. He answers yes he remembers signing that we could record the interviews and I leave because I know this guy is trouble. If he can't treat women with the respect they deserve we don't need him at Steele.
So why do you want to work at Steele?
It is a good company. Will I be working with you.
No we do the interviewing and hiring. We are interviewing right now, we will determine who we want working at our company by the end of the week. If that is all we have others waiting to be interviewed. I have him escorted out and someone else escorted inside. I see Jack go right to my dad so I head over to there and he told dad that we hired him.
Well looks like I will be working here come Monday.
I seriously doubt that they hired you mr Hyde, because they are still interviewing for the position you say they hired you for. Plus the look my daughter has on her face right now tells me that you aren't correct about being hired by them.
What? She hired me alright.
I most assuredly did not hire you or anyone else at this point. If you are unable to tell what you are being let down easily then I recommend you find another line if work. We didn't hire you nor were we thinking of hiring you. Telling my father we had was very stupid. Because if you recall we recorded it all. I do think you need to leave at this point.
Women should never be allowed to hire and fire people. Mr Steele you might keep that in mind.
I don't take advice I give it, like you should go with these female security who I do believe after that comment would love if you resisted their efforts to throw you out of my building. I hire many women and they will be hiring and firing a lot of people but you aren't going to be one of them. I have things to do. Get him out of my building and don't allow him back on any Steele properties again. Take his picture and send it out to everyone and remove him from my sight. Both agree and escort him out.
I go back to interviewing other prospective employees. We don't exactly forget Jack Hyde but we also make a note of not hiring him anywhere in our company. I can't believe he thought he would be able to get away with telling dad we hired him. I guess he thought he could go to the owner himself and get a job. I see the security come back and tell us we need to be careful because Hyde made threats as he was taken to his car.
Hyde had the audacity to make threats of sone kind towards all of us. Apparently he has no idea we are gun toting and trained assassins. Did he not know what kind of company he was applying at?
Apparently not. If he goes through with the threats he will soon find out though. I thought our ad was clear on we want someone who is trained in self defense and they are physically capable of protect and serve their clients needs and wants. Okay the wants might be a bit misleading. I guess we need to drop the wants part. I type a message to our ad department and have them reword the ad.
I think it sounds like he would be servicing the client in a sexual manner. I am surprised the cops aren't going to run a raid on us any day now. Maybe Hyde was a cop. Surely not because he looked like he is living on the edge of liver failure with those yellow rims around his pupils. I might estimate he was recently fired because he was drinking on the job. We haven't been able to get hold of his references of his yet. Another reason to keep from hiring him for anything.
Annette Hyde
I am waiting Jack and I can tell that he did it again, he refuses to believe women are capable of being in charge. His father created three little male chauvinist and I have done my best to rid that notion inside them. He left me and his triplets when they were ten years old leaving me with not only there three stupid rhyming first names but their ideas that women should know their place. I point out to then 25 year olds that if not for me they would all be homeless now after they were laid off by a male dominated company. They really thought Steele Securities was a different company. The ad was erroneous enough to make think they would be servicing lonely females. They all applied and I had Jack go in for the interview. He recorded it for all of to view. Tack and Mack are his identical in every way but the tattoos on their wrist. A shark with their initials imprinted on the half eaten swimmer. I hate those tattoos. We go to the interviews at Grey construction and they are put to work immediately and we were ready for this. Grey Construction has been hiring a lot of people and willing to train if strong enough and are hard workers with a clean record. All three have no criminal record at all. I wished they would get to work and find someone to marry soon. They almost got married to three sisters but they opened their moths about not wanting their women working that ended all their wedding plans.
I am sitting in Elliott's office when he tells me a set of identical male triplets were just hired by HR and thinks it would be a hoot to get them to pull a joke on Roz. I tell him go ahead but leave me out of it.
I decide to do it anyway.
Christina Lincoln
I am finally free of my parents control. They stopped paying the people who were trying to sell me to the highest bidder. The police arrested them and they missed the dungeon we were all kept inside. We all worked together and finally got attention from a building inspector and an appraiser. They had to get the fire department to get us out. All of us had to be hospitalized for nearly two weeks and we were questioned by the police me especially. Of course no one knew Elena and Richard had children, I was their last born, now I know what they did to my siblings. They sold or enslaved them in their sex clubs. I don't know where they are but I am sure they are still operating. They used aliases to hide them from the authorities. I am sure offshore accounts are growing by the second and they are moving assets (human assets) around. Without any proof I can't do anything. How did I get these parents anyway?

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