Day 340-Day 346

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Day 340
August 08, 2022
10:30 PM

Dear Diary,
We have now new schedule and it is quietly refreshful but then later on, I found it enjoying. I have learn many thing in our training that sometimes it’s difficult to think but then it make us to be better employee. Things getting harder when you are adult and I can say now that when you step up, do it and always stand firm. Have faith on God and remember that you are not only one taking that challenge. It is hard, but it will be key to us to see that we can do much better that we knew.

Respectfully yours,

New phases comes
when we see the
good and bad things.
It conquer anything
when we know
how to deal on it.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 341
August 09, 2022
10:35 PM

Dear Diary,
I am still waiting to our ESS to be fix, but obstacles arise. Many things happened but then I control my self and wait and focus on the things that I need. Besides, we are doing a lot in our training that honestly it make me confused especially to the tools that we need to understand. However, those things caught my interest to have focus and understand the situation. Stay positive and do the right thing.

Respectfully yours,

When you know
the things that you do,
you can do the better—
the best rather.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 342
August 10, 2022
10:35 PM

Dear Diary,
It’s another day to test my patience and I have lot of problem personally, not a worst scenario but specifically about the things to do or obligation rather. I know as a child, it is may part to return anything that they do but thinking of it is not easy. After all, I learned new things don’t pressure yourself look forward and every struggles that we’ve experienced have own purpose not just for hardships, but it includes the wisdom of understanding. Additionally, we practice mock calls that honestly a hard time for me but another milestone of learning.

Respectfully yours,

When things create a big step,
it significant a new road to destiny;
as a whole of understanding
to help your productivity.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 343
August 11, 2022
10:40 PM

Dear Diary,
After having a hard time, there is good news that will over flow. I realized that sometimes difficulties will be exposed because of random situation wherein I can say now there is a purpose on it. Honestly, things getting harder when we think it mentally and allowing ourselves to be there. However, we learn from it once we understand the whole. Stop over thinking and grabbing some thoughts that make us stress, instead think critically and pray for it.

Respectfully yours,

Understand the situation,
that every intention
oversee the reaction of our
own action.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 344
August 12, 2022
11:40 PM

Dear Diary,
Finally I got a good news. After all patiently waiting, we got our salary and I when I received it, I budget on it. It is a long day for me for doing some tasks during our training and finally I overcome the nervousness when we do mock calls again. I am hoping that no matter what happen I enjoy it and focus on my goal. I will always ask and pray this to God that no matter circumstances, I stand and pursue the best.

Respectfully yours,

Every hard work,
good outcome and
surprises will come
at the end, received it.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 345
August 13, 2022
11:50 PM

Dear Diary,
I met his friends they are nice and good but if I will react to their behaviour, I don’t think so I can close with them but I am glad that finally they know and see me. Even I am not literally fine, I go together with him since he request and today is the birthday of his friend. Probably, the ambiance is different and I am looking forward that soon I can bond them to know them more. A tiring day but I am happy to be with him, even there are times we are having miscommunication still at the end we talked about it and fix it.

Respectfully yours,

Love is my
best language to confirm
that acceptance and understanding
is valid in anywhere.

-Manunulat Rosel-


Day 346
August 14, 2022
11:30 PM

Dear Diary,
Today is great day for me because the topic that was talked about is awesome ‘We are a conquerors’. It is always connected to my struggle and God is amazing although I am facing a problem regarding my health but I know He can heal me and it will be gone. The topic is relatable and very inspiring, His words is definitely abundantly a blessing to each of us who hear it. Just remember His words and don’t forget Him at all.

Respectfully yours,

Everyday is a battle
but when we have Jesus,
we are a conquerors!

-Manunulat Rosel-

The 365 Days letters of Angge (PT2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora